Mit der Executive & Professional Education der Frankfurt School richten Sie Ihre Qualifizierungen individuell auf Ihre spezifischen Anforderungen aus. Nutzen Sie bereits fertig konzipierte Module aus unseren offenen Programmen, die wir Ihnen über einen Course-Finder zur Verfügung stellen, oder entwickeln Sie mit uns maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für Ihre spezifische Unternehmenssituation.
For companies and organisations, all offers from our open seminar area can be carried out as a customised in-house qualification. Your wishes and goals are the focus here.
Frankfurt School takes over the administrative services for you for which there would otherwise be no capacit
y or resources. We take over the education management for our clients' employees and accompany them from the needs analysis to certification.
In our clarification of our assignment, we attach particular importance to individual educational counselling, which we precede every planned further training course. Especially if you want to train several employees in a targeted manner and the training is to be repeated if necessary, it is worth talking about an in-house program. Our experts use various methods of analysis, which we use to work out an individual qualification program together with you.
Whatever the challenge, we are as diverse as the tasks that are set for us.
Our successful Inclusive Finance Summer Academy offers you the chance to select your "hot topic" not only in regards to technical knowledge but also management excellence. General sessions: To give deeper insight in the most relevant topic, participants can choose on one out of four electives
Sie erwerben vertiefende Einblicke in strategische, organisatorische oder führungsbezogene Fragestellungen in Banken und erlernen eigenständig oder im Team konkrete Management-Herausforderungen in Banken zu tragfähigen Lösungen zu führen:
Mit dem Management-Studium Abschluss bestätigen wir Ihnen die theoretischen Kenntnisse der fachlichen Eignung nach § 25c Abs. 1 KWG. |
Vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.