
Course Finder


Financial Inclusion & Microfinance



Unit 1 – Introduction
  • History of Financial Inclusion & Microfinance (FIM)
  • Principles of FIM
  • Target groups of FIM
  • Suppliers of FIM services
  • Different delivery models used in FIM
  • Role of regulation and supervision

Unit 2 – Financial Products and Services
  • Micro-credit; micro-savings
  • Micro-insurance
  • SME finance
  • Digital finance

Unit 3 – Management of financial institutions
  • Governance
  • Risk management;
  • Profitability management
  • Social performance management
  • Human resources management
  • Marketing

Unit 4 – Financial and Social Performance
  • Methods used to measure financial and social performance
  • Management practices to improve financial and social performance
  • Institutional and credit ratings


This course is designed for people working or intending to work in the field of Financial Inclusion and Microfinance, either as employees in financial institutions or as advisors / consultants to financial institutions.
The course gives participants the opportunity to get an overview of current trends in the field of Financial Inclusion and Microfinance and to quickly absorb the core knowledge required to become an expert. Participants are expected to have basic knowledge of economics and finance.


After finishing the course the participants should have gained a deep and long lasting knowledge of the key principles and best practices applied in the field of Financial Inclusion and Microfinance, which they will benefit from throughout their entire professional career.
The course content is very practice oriented with many exercises and case studies based on real life situations.
Participants can benefit from the time between the sessions to digest the learned content. Exercises will be given as homework task after each session which helps the learners to review the content and test their comprehension of the discussed topics.




4 Tage


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