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Master in Management Student Master in Management Student
Master of Science (MSc)


EUR 35,500

*zzgl. 350 EUR Einschreibegebühr und 100 EUR Anmeldegebühr

30 Juni

25 August

4 Semesters | vollzeit

Unser Master in Management-Programm bietet eine Kombination aus innovativen Kernmodulen und innovativen Studienschwerpunkten, die essentielle Management- und Geschäftsentwicklungsfähigkeiten fördern. Das Programm ist darauf ausgelegt, Studierende darauf vorzubereiten, als digital versierte Analysten, ethisch verantwortungsbewusste Unternehmer, innovative Manager und globale Wirtschaftsführer erfolgreich zu sein.

Der Lehrplan bietet ein flexibles 3-Tage-Studienmodell, das Teilzeitarbeit neben dem Studium ermöglicht und so ein praxisnahes Lernen sicherstellt. Unsere Studierenden profitieren vom Zugang zum Entrepreneurship Accelerator oder Incubator für individuelle Mentoring-Möglichkeiten, einschließlich Networking mit Branchenexperten.

Unsere exklusiven Unternehmensverbindungen und das starke Alumni-Netzwerk ermöglichen es Ihnen, ein professionelles Netzwerk aufzubauen, das entscheidend für die Entwicklung Ihrer internationalen Karriere ist. Unser Career Services-Team unterstützt Sie mit individuellen Beratungen zur Karriereentwicklung, die auf Ihre Interessen und Ziele abgestimmt sind.

Stipendienoptionen stehen zur Verfügung, um Ihre Reise zu unterstützen und das Masterstudium zu einem erreichbaren Schritt auf Ihrem Erfolgsweg in die globale Geschäftswelt zu machen.


LG1: Expertenwissen und Verständnis von Managementtheorien und -konzepten, Prozessen und internationalen Best Practices

Absolventen werden über fundiertes Wissen und ein kritisches Verständnis von Managementtheorien, -konzepten, -prozessen und internationalen Best Practices verfügen. Sie werden in der Lage sein, komplexe managementbezogene Probleme in Geschäftskontexten zu analysieren, zu strukturieren und zu bewerten.

LG2: Problemlösung durch Anwendung analytischer Techniken

Absolventen werden sich kritisch mit komplexen Managementkonzepten, Theorien und Quellen auseinandersetzen, um durch die Anwendung wissenschaftlicher Methoden Einsichten zu gewinnen, die zur Verbesserung geschäftsbezogener Prozesse beitragen. Sie werden Forschungsziele ableiten, Forschungsmethoden anwenden, Ergebnisse beschreiben und Resultate erklären können.

LG3: Effektive Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit

Absolventen werden effektive Kommunikatoren in interdisziplinären Forschungsfeldern und praktischen Geschäftskontexten sein. Sie werden verantwortungsbewusste Teammitglieder sein und durch effektive Zusammenarbeit gemeinsame Ziele erreichen. Sie erkennen potenzielle Konflikte in der Zusammenarbeit mit anderen und reflektieren diese im Kontext von situationsübergreifenden Bedingungen.

LG4: Professionelles und verantwortungsbewusstes Verhalten

Absolventen werden darauf vorbereitet sein, kompetente Fachleute in internationalen Geschäftsumfeldern und Forschungseinrichtungen zu sein. Sie werden ihre beruflichen Aktivitäten auf fundiertes theoretisches und methodisches Wissen stützen und ein Verständnis für ethische Verantwortung in Management- und Entscheidungsprozessen entwickelt haben.

Rankings & Akkreditierungen

financial times european business school 2023

Die Frankfurt School ist eine der besten europäischen Business Schools. Akkreditiert von AACSB, EQUIS und AMBA, den drei führenden internationalen Verbänden von Business Schools, ist die Frankfurt School eine der wenigen Institutionen weltweit, die mit der sogenannten "Triple Crown“ ausgezeichnet wurde.

MiM 2024 ranking

Der Studiengang Master in Management wird im Global Master in Management Ranking der Financial Times regelmäßig zu den besten in Deutschland und weltweit gezählt. Auch im Jahr 2024 gehören wir zu den besten Master in Management-Programmen in Deutschland.

Master in Management: Lehrplan

Der Lehrplan des Master in Management-Programms besteht aus Kernmodulen, richtungsweisenden Vertiefungen und praktischer Erfahrung durch Praktika, exklusive Jobangebote und die Teilnahme an Unternehmens- oder Beratungsprojekten, die durch das globale professionelle Netzwerk der Frankfurt School ermöglicht werden.

Semester 1

Evidence-based Management 

Evidence-based Management

The course focuses on the design and implementation of high-quality empirical studies in the areas of management. It will serve as a methodological tool kit for your Master's thesis and increase your scientific decision making in management and consulting practice.

Prof. Dr. Selin Atalay



Marketing is the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping and growing customers through creating, delivering and communicating superior customer value. This module gives an overview of marketing processes and principles and providing students with the opportunity to apply these key concepts to practical business situations.


Dr. Britta Meinert

Managerial Data Science

Managerial Data Science

In today’s rapidly moving business environment, firms are increasingly looking for data-driven decision makers who combine their industry expertise with solid analytics skills to devise and implement successful business strategies. This module equips students with the necessary statistical foundation to base important managerial decisions on an informed assessment of data instead of mere intuition. In particular, the module introduces students to key concepts of both descriptive and inferential statistics as well as machine learning and provides a hands-on learning experience for their application in practice.


Prof. Dr. Alexander Bleier

Financial Analysis and Performance Management

This module will explore the role of accounting for external communication (financial accounting) and internal decision making (managerial accounting). The module is designed to provide an integrative view of financial and managerial accounting. The main topics are: Measurement of corporate performance (Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement), analysing organisational and divisional performance (Financial Analysis, Division, Product, and Customer Profitability Analysis, and Variance Analysis), designing accounting systems for performance measurement, and the role of corporate governance and managerial incentives in accounting choices.


Assistant Prof. Dr. Hari Ramasubramanian

Operations Management

Matching demand and supply is a key driver of firms’ competitive advantage, but it is difficult because demand in most markets can vary, while supply is inflexible. With an emphasis on better managing demand-supply mismatches, this course provides a set of concepts and tools to design, analyse and improve the complex processes that underlie the creation and delivery of both products (e.g., cars) and services (e.g., car sharing platforms).


Prof. Dr. Mirko Kremer

Semester 2

Sustainable Strategic Management

Strategic Management

Strategy is about why some firms are successful and others are not. The course develops an understanding of how firms can design processes in markets and organisiations to achieve competitive advantages. Besides an overview of how market processes affect a firm's profitability, you will also discuss how the design of firm boundaries influences this and how organisational processes contribute to competitive advantages. 


Prof. Dr. Markus Fitza

Organisational Behaviour, Leadership, and Sustainability 


This module teaches our students to boost the performance of any organisation by providing them with key ideas and models of human resources management. Working in small teams enables our students to put theory into practice when identifying and solving problems. You will explore strategies that are associated with building, developing and motivating a workforce, whilst developing theories to improve employment relationships for all parties involved. 


Prof. Dr. Claus Rerup

Innovation Management & New Product Development

Innovation Management & New Product Development

In most industries, good R&D performance is critical to generate and sustain a lasting market success and at the heart of every R&D process is a firm’s innovation management. Starting with the generation of possible innovation opportunities, continuing with the selection of the most promising ideas and concluding with the transformation of these ideas into final products, innovation management has to deal with a set of utterly diverse challenges. For instance, should innovation be incremental or radical and what are the benefits and costs of open innovation? This course sets out to discuss the key challenges that are inherent to innovation and product development processes. To this end, the course also introduces students to business model innovations and the impact of new technologies on existing R&D strategies.


Prof. Dr. Jochen Schlapp

Choose One Concentration

Choose One Concentration

Each student will choose one of four concentrations to focus on during their studies. Each concentration has a set curriculum of core modules to be completed.

  1. Global Strategy 
  2. People, Management & Organisations
  3. Digital Business, Technology & Operations
  4. Data & Business Analytics

Global Strategy

Strategic Communication and Leadership

Digital Business, Technology & Operations

Data & Business Analytics

Behavioural Strategy

Behavioural Strategy

This course provides an introduction to the principles, concepts, and tools of behavioural strategy. “Behavioural strategy merges cognitive and social psychology with strategic management theory and practice” and it “aims at bringing realistic assumptions about human cognition, emotions, and social behaviour to the strategic management of organisations and, thereby, to enrich strategy theory, empirical research, and real-world practice” (Powell, Lovallo and Fox, 2011: 1371). The field of behavioural strategy addresses traditional topics in strategic management such as corporate resource allocation, internationalization, and acquisitions; however, it does so by incorporating insights from psychology and behavioural decision research, founded on empirical evidence, to enhance our understanding of how managers and organisations behave. To a significant extent, this course is structured around the three key pillars of behavioural strategy: human cognition, emotions, and social behaviour within the context of strategic decision-making by managers.


Prof. Dr. Stevo Pavicevic

Digital Operations & Industry 4.0

Digital Operations & Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is predicated on the idea that the real-time connection of physical and digital systems will affect every corner of modern organisations’ value creation process, through the emergence and convergence of new technologies such as additive manufacturing (AM), the internet of things (IoT), blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR) and others. This module includes hands-on workshops to provide a common technology foundation, as well as case studies and business simulations to understand how Industry 4.0 changes the way work is done in various manufacturing and service settings and how it will fundamentally alter traditional trade-offs among the competitive priorities of cost, flexibility, speed and quality.

Optimisation & Decision Models

Optimisation & Decision Models

The module provides students with a sound foundation in the application of the many tools and techniques of management science. Students are expected to learn the tools and the applications of modelling, optimisation, computing and programming in solving practical problems drawn from different functional areas (operations, finance, marketing, and human resources, etc.) in different organisations. 

Corporate Finance and Governance

Corporate Finance and Governance

The Corporate Finance and Governance course focuses on corporate governance, corporate investment decisions, corporate financing, and payout policy. Students will act in a position of corporate decision makers applying analytical methods in real-life case studies. The course enables students to design corporate governance structures, make educated investment and financial decisions, and evaluate corporate financial decisions.

Power, Politics, and Social Networks

Power, Politics, and Social Networks

The world runs on social relationships and social networks. Relationships are essential for getting work done, as well as to the way leaders engage in leading and leadership. Effective leaders and followers in any position use relationships to manage up, down and sideways. Work is accomplished through formal and informal relationships – social networks – and participants can be more effective if they understand the strength and weakness of their social relations. In any job it is important to build power and manage relationships with both peers and superiors. The question is, how do you do it? In this course, we provide the answers by using a social network perspective.  

Digital Innovation

Digital Innovation

Based on setting a common understanding about the concept of digital innovation and about selected digital technologies, this module is centered around the specifics of digital innovation discovery, implementation, and exploitation. The academic content of the course will be complemented by various workshops from corporate partners, a digital innovation challenge and a hands-on IoT group project. Rounding it off, discussions about ethical aspects will sensitise students for the difficulties and dilemmas related to digital innovation.

Business Simulation & Algorithms

Business Simulation & Algorithms

This module introduces computer simulation as a powerful (yet intuitive) method for modelling complex business environments, analysing their behaviour, and predicting the effects of managerial strategies. Students will learn how to develop representative models, analyse and provide data to adequately parameterise and validate their models, conduct sensitivity analyses, and interpret and communicate results. Students will acquire the knowledge and tools to conduct simulation-based projects in managerial practice.


Internship or Skills Development Courses

Internship or Skills Development Courses

During summer, Frankfurt School students can do internships, not only to gain practical experience but also to apply and use some of the new analytical tools and knowledge gained through the core and concentration modules. The internship can be evaluated to waive 6 ECTS if relevant to the field of study or concentration the student is specialising in, provided the objective is achieved. Instead of an internship, students can also take skills development courses or attend summer schools pre-approved by the Programme Management.

Semester 3

Operations Strategy

Operations Strategy

This course focuses on how firms can maximise value by building and evaluating their operating systems. More specifically, the course provides rigorous answers to the question of how firms should tailor their operational competencies, assets, and processes to a specific business strategy. The topics include the historical sources of operations strategy, its links to other strategic decisions, process designs, global networks, strategic procurement, the integration of new technologies, environmental considerations and demand management, as well as the question of how to manage the implementation of a new strategic initiative. 


Prof. Dr. Jochen Schlapp

Persuasive Communication

Persuasive Communication

The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the field of persuasion and give you hands-on experience to understand how persuasion “works”. We will discuss theories related to attitudes, persuasion and social influence, to illuminate the underlying behavioural and psychological constructs. You will learn the key behavioural and psychological concepts and develop the intellectual ability to apply them in situations where you need to persuade both businesses and individuals. As a related outcome of this course, you will also develop negotiation skills. 

Information Systems

Information Systems

This module aims to establish the foundations required to manage information systems in a business environment. Based on knowledge about different types of information technology and information systems, future managers will be able to evaluate the potentials of IT from a strategic perspective. Further, they will be able to reflect on and contribute to designing a firm’s IT strategy, IT governance and IT architecture.

External Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Daniel Beimborn

Machine Learning for Big Data

Machine Learning for Big Data

This module is a hands-on introduction to state-of-the-art data analytics and machine learning methods. The course covers both supervised learning algorithms (used to make accurate predictions about the future from current data) and unsupervised learning (used to discover unknown structures in given data). Students will learn how to understand and to use those algorithms in different business contexts, and how to obtain managerially relevant insights from their analyses. 

Corporate Strategy

Corporate Strategy

This course covers aspects of firms growth and it focuses specifically on the differences between traditional growth models and growths achievable through digital business models, platforms and so-called zero marginal costs business models. It provides a unique blend of economic theory and practice, applying elements of recent theoretical advances to study the impact of novel digital technologies and new business model designs on strategic analysis. 

Diversity Management

Diversity Management

This course focuses on designing inclusive workplaces that provide employees and customers with equal opportunity. How a culture of respect, involvement and success can be created for all employees is the core focus. In today’s marketplace, there is a growing demand for inclusion. Brands have lost equity due to unintentionally disrespecting diversity. In this course, we will study principles, individual differences, and group affiliations that create a diverse workforce, which serves a diverse customer base.  

Designing Resilient Supply Chains

Designing Resilient Supply Chains

This module focuses on the design of resilient and sustainable supply chains and emphasises the strategic role of information and data analytics. Students will learn about important design choices and digital core capabilities such as traceability, social media monitoring, and artificial intelligence. Firms need to build on these to increase their resilience towards regular demand and supply uncertainty,as well as major unpredictable supply disruptions caused by e.g., natural disasters, pandemics, supplier bankruptcy, or port strikes. 


Prof. Dr. Mirko Kremer

Data Visualisation & Storytelling

Data Visualisation & Storytelling

This module bridges data science techniques with managerial decision-making, by leveraging the powerful combination of data, visuals and narratives. The module covers basic data visualisation techniques for data of different volume (small and big data), variety (structured and unstructured) and velocity. The module also covers the psychological foundations and principles of data visualisation i.e. how does the human brain process information and how can we manage the cognitive load and attention of the audience. Students will learn to build compelling stories around their data analysis, in order to effectively communicate their results to decision-makers in important business contexts. 

Strategy Execution

Strategy Execution

In this course, we will cover how firms can use performance measurement tools and concepts to manage the implementation of strategies. We cover concepts such as the balanced scorecard, strategy maps, action controls, personnel controls, strategic profitability analysis, etc.  The course will emphasise quantitative approaches (i.e.: use calculations to improve decision-making and strategy execution). 


Prof. Dr. Matthias Mahlendorf

Change Management

Change Management

Change is a constant process and organisational change is a regular theme for any leader. Leading change is difficult because you need to convince people that they should give up habits, routines and scripts that perhaps work well and make their lives easier. Leaders that are good at influencing social change processes understand what motivates people and how to get people to commit to new lines of thinking and action through negotiations. Leading change can be top-down, bottom-up and/or middle-out. It can also be re-active when a crisis or shift takes place in the market or proactive when leaders take steps to change before an interruption forces calls for change. In this course, we explore some of the challenges and traps that can derail leaders' attempts to change people and organisations.  

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Online marketing is quickly gaining in importance and has recently surpassed radio, print and magazine advertising in terms of marketing spending. Moreover, the internet and online marketing are changing business models across many industries; traditional (offline) media is quickly “going digital” through technological advancements such as video-on-demand. The goal of this module is to introduce students to the technical and business aspects of the major online marketing instruments as well as new trends. In particular, we will discuss practical examples of; display and search engine advertising, affiliate marketing, social media and influencer marketing, viral marketing, mobile marketing and the latest trends and opportunities. 


Prof. Dr. Christian Schulze

Designing & Analysing Business Experiments

Designing & Analysing Business Experiments

This hands-on module highlights the crucial role that well-designed business experiments can play in informing important managerial decisions in diverse areas such as pricing, new product development, operations management, and organisational incentive setting. A growing number of organisations recognise the power of experiments, but often fail in the execution phase; for instance, because they are using unsystematic trial-and-error approaches that are not geared towards solid causal inference and learning from robust empirical evidence. The module covers the scientific foundations of experimental design & analysis, including advanced topics such as quasi-experimental designs, natural experiments, and regression discontinuity designs. The module further teaches students to understand and solve practical implementation challenges of business experiments. 

Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning

The experiential learning component of the MiM brings the students in teams and company partners together to allow knowledge transfer, innovation exchange & provide talent access. The partner defines a strategy or business challenge together with the teams of students assigned to each company partner. The teams supervised by the company’s senior managers and Faculty of Frankfurt School spend several weeks gathering and analyzing the data, strategy or business-related challenges and present their findings with recommendations and innovative solutions to the partner companies at the end of the module.

Strategy Consulting Project

Strategy Consulting Project

This course is an experiential learning module, based on company projects, case studies, and business challenges with specific strategic and organisational issues, so students can develop a clear set of recommendations. Students work with actual companies by getting involved in real-world strategy or business challenges.

Learning through Action – Applied Topics in Management

Learning through Action – Applied Topics in Management

This course offers a hands-on approach to the study of people, management and organisations. We provide students with an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills that are critical to tackling today's managerial problems. The course emphasises experiential learning coupled with lectures, readings, class discussion/debate, guest speakers, personal and group assignments. The content will reflect the most relevant business topics at the given time such as crisis management, disruptive innovations, etc. 

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation

This module focuses on the challenges and approaches involved with an organisation’s digital transformation. Participants will discuss the potentials and limitations of different agile management approaches (Scrum, Scaled Agile, DevOps, Bimodal IT etc.). They will acquire competencies in designing and shaping the enterprise architecture, organisational structure and culture of a firm which is prepared for the digital future. The academic content of the course will be complemented by workshops from corporate partners and a hands-on agile methodology workshop. Debating on the economic and societal impacts of digitalisation will complete the course. 

External Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Daniel Beimborn

Applied Analytics Challenge

Applied Analytics Challenge

The Applied Analytics Challenge presents students with a challenging real-world (big data) business analytics problem. The students will work on solving the problem by using the data analysis techniques that they have learned in previous courses. The course exposes students to the nature of big data projects and will teach them how to address challenging issues in management practice. It also introduces students to the issue of how to manage such projects. 

Semester 4

Electives or Entrepreneurship or Semester Abroad

Electives or Entrepreneurship or Semester Abroad

Full elective list

A range of electives including Project Management, Industry Practice and Supply Chain Strategy and Financial Performance allow you to tailor your Master in Management through a diverse and distinctive structure of time formats. Electives are taught not only by in-house faculty but also by leading international practitioners, providing you with the tools to meet your personal aspirations. Elective options are published during the third semester and students must choose elective modules to start in their last semester.

Students have the opportunity to replace their elective modules with either a semester abroad at one of our international partner universities or take part in our Entrepreneurship module.

Master's Thesis

Core Modules
Global Strategy
Strategic Communication and Leadership
Digital Business, Technology & Operations
Data & Business Analytics
Option für ein Auslandsstudium: Sie haben die Möglichkeit, die Credits Ihrer Wahlfächer im 4. Semester für ein Auslandsstudium zu nutzen.
Der Lehrplan kann Änderungen unterliegen.


Unsere Vertiefungen im Master in Management sind darauf ausgelegt, spezialisiertes Wissen und Fähigkeiten in den Bereichen Global Strategy, Strategic Communication and Leadership, Digital Business, Technology & Operations sowie Data- und Business Analytics zu vermitteln. Darüber hinaus bieten diese Studienschwerpunkte in Kombination mit Unternehmensprojekten die Gelegenheit, führende Großunternehmen und innovative Start-ups zu besuchen.

students looking at the skyscrapers from the FS Terrace

Treffen Sie uns online und auf dem Campus 

Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Master-Programme. Sie können auch unseren Campus persönlich erleben und sich während unserer Open Campus Nights direkt mit Vertretern unserer Master-Programme austauschen.

Beschäftigungsstatistik - Jahrgang 2023

Einstiegsgehalt nach dem Abschluss: 72,100 EUR*

*inkl. Bonus & exkl. Auszubildende und Praktikanten

Wo arbeiten unsere Absolventen?

Die Alumni des Master in Managements haben seit ihrem Abschluss in einer Vielzahl von Unternehmen und Branchen Arbeitsplätze gefunden.

 4C Group

  Adidas AG

  All for One Group SE

  Appian Corporation

  Arthur D Little

  Beiersdorf AG

  Berenberg Bank

  Boston Consulting Group


  Capgemini Invent


  Commerzbank AG

  Coty Beauty Germany GmbH

  Deloitte Consulting GmbH

  Deutsche Bank

  Deutsche Boerse AG

  Dr. Esters Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH

  DUAL Europe GmbH


  Equinix Inc.



  Friday Finance

  FTI Andersch

  GHK Management Consulting GmbH

  Goldman Sachs

  Greentec Capital

  ING Deutschland



  Jomigo GmbH

  KF Finance



  KPS Transformation GmbH


  Lufthansa Group

  MHP - A Porsche Company

  Mobility Trader Holding GmbH



  Oliver Wyman

  Palladio Partners

  Plattform hoch 2 GmbH

  Proctor & Gamble



  Roland Berger


  Simon-Kucher & Partners

  Standard chartered bank


  Viessmann Investment GmbH

  Visa Europe

  VisualVest GmbH - Union Investment

  Wanhua Chemistry

  zeb Consulting

Beschäftigung nach Branche

Bankwesen 24%
Beratungsgesellschaft 24%
Finanzdienstleistungen (ohne Bankwesen) 11%
Sonstige 11%
Informationstechnologie 5%
Gesundheitswesen/Pharma/Life Sciences 3%
Gastfreundschaft 3%
Regierung & Öffentlicher Sektor 3%
Automobilindustrie 2%
FinTech 2%
Einzelhandel & E-Commerce 2%

Beschäftigung nach Funktion

Beratung 38%
Finanzen & Controlling 13%
Vertrieb & Marketing 10%
Unternehmensfunktionen (HR, Recht, Management, Produktentwicklung usw.) 5%
Corporate Banking 5%
Risikomanagement 5%
Forschung & Analyse 5%
Vermögensverwaltung & Wealth Management 3%
IT 3%
Projektleitung 3%
Audit 2%
Investment Banking 1%
Betrieb 1%

Lernerfahrung & Internationale Erfahrung

Praktisches Lernen

Die Frankfurt School legt großen Wert auf eine umfassende Ausbildung und der Master in Management bildet da keine Ausnahme. Innovative Lehrmethoden im Unterricht werden durch verschiedene Workshops und Aktivitäten ergänzt, um das gesamte Lernerlebnis zu verbessern.

Gastvorträge und Reden

Die starken Verbindungen der Frankfurt School zur Beratungs- und Finanzbranche bieten den Studierenden regelmäßige Gastvorträge, die wertvolle Möglichkeiten zum Networking mit Branchenführern und erfolgreichen Alumni bieten. Diese wertvollen Kontakte helfen den Studierenden, Einblicke zu gewinnen und langfristige Beziehungen aufzubauen, die für ihre zukünftige Karriere entscheidend sein werden.

German Classes

Der Master in Management wird vollständig auf Englisch unterrichtet. Für alle nicht deutschsprachigen Studierenden werden jedoch während des Programms zusätzlich Deutschkurse angeboten. Wir empfehlen unseren Studierenden dringend, vor ihrer Ankunft in Frankfurt Deutsch zu lernen, um ihre Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten zu verbessern.


Studierende profitieren von der exklusiven Möglichkeit, an Fallstudien in Vorlesungen und Seminaren teilzunehmen, bei denen sie an realen Fällen arbeiten, die sie auf die Arbeitswelt vorbereiten. Jedes Jahr besuchen Vertreter renommierter Unternehmen den Campus, um ihr Fachwissen zu aktuellen Trends wie der Digitalisierung zu teilen, die ein wesentlicher Bestandteil unseres Lehrplans sind.

Wettbewerbe & Auszeichnungen

Die Frankfurt School ermutigt die Studierenden, das ganze Jahr über an einer Vielzahl von Ausschreibungen und Wettbewerben teilzunehmen. Dies gibt ausgewählten Studierenden die Möglichkeit, sich zu beweisen und sich mit anderen Spitzenuniversitäten weltweit zu messen.

Verbindungen zu internationalen Universitäten

Die Master in Management-Studierenden haben die Möglichkeit, andere europäische Universitäten zu besuchen und sich mit den lokalen Studierenden zu vernetzen.



Herkunft der Studierenden

Asien 54%
Deutschland 37%
Europa (exkl. Deutschland) 6%
Amerikas 3%

Akademischer Hintergrund

Ingenieurwesen & IT 27%
Betriebswirtschaft 23%
Internationale Wirtschaft & Management 16%
Wirtschaftswissenschaft 8%
Sprachen & Kulturwissenschaften 8%
Informatik und Computerwissenschaften 3%
Sozialwissenschaften 3%
Sonstige 9%




  • Erster akademischer Abschluss (Bachelor oder Diplom) von mindestens 180 ECTS-Punkten
  • Hervorragende schriftliche und mündliche Englischkenntnisse (TOEFL - 90 iBT, IELTS 7.0 oder vergleichbar)
  • Gültiger GMAT/GRE-Score oder Frankfurt School Admission Test (BT Methods)*
  • Erfolgreiches Aufnahmegespräch

Es fällt eine Anmeldegebühr in Höhe von 100 EUR an. 

*Bitte beachten Sie: Der Frankfurt School Admission Test (BT Methods) kann nur einmal abgelegt werden.

Fristen & Rabatte

(EUR 4,000)*
30. November 2024
(EUR 2,000)**
31. März 2025
Endgültige Bewerbungs- und Stipendienfrist 30. Juni 2025

*Um den Frühbucher-Rabatt zu sichern, müssen Sie bis zum 31. März ein Zulassungsschreiben erhalten haben.

**Um den Rabatt zu sichern, müssen Sie bis zum 30. Juni ein Zulassungsschreiben erhalten haben.

***Bitte beachten Sie, dass interne Bewerber nicht für den Frühbucherrabatt berechtigt sind. Stattdessen erhalten sie einen Alumni-Rabatt.

Wir empfehlen Ihnen, Ihre Bewerbung so schnell wie möglich abzuschließen, da es finanzielle Vorteile für Kandidaten gibt, die ihre vollständige Bewerbung frühzeitig einreichen.

Finanzierung & Stipendien

Ihr Abschluss ist eine Investition in Ihre berufliche Zukunft. Als international angesehene Business School bieten wir Ihnen nicht nur optimale Bedingungen für Ihr Studium, sondern auch hervorragende Karrierechancen.

Da wir die Qualität unserer Lehre und Forschung garantieren können, erwarten wir von unseren Studierenden ein hohes Maß an Engagement und Motivation.

Lincoln International: Empowering Women in Business & Strategy

In Zusammenarbeit mit Lincoln International bieten wir ein exklusives Stipendium für weibliche Bewerberinnen des Master in Management-Programms an, das sich auf diejenigen konzentriert, die eine Karriere im Bereich M&A anstreben und sich auf die Vertiefungen Global Strategy und Data & Business Analytics spezialisieren möchten.

MiM Female Students

Erfolgreiche Kandidatinnen werden:

  • Ein Sommerpraktikum im Frankfurter Büro von Lincoln International absolvieren.
  • Zusätzliche Schulungen, Networking- und Mentoring-Unterstützung erhalten.
  • Mit erfahrenen internationalen Fachleuten in verschiedenen M&A-Sektoren zusammenarbeiten.
  • Für ein dauerhaftes Jobangebot nach erfolgreichem Abschluss ihres Master-Programms in Betracht gezogen.

Dieses Stipendium ist für die Aufnahme 2025 verfügbar und Sie können sich über unser Online-Bewerbungsformular bewerben.

The Master in Management is accredited by