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The Corporate Governance Institute (CGI) at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management is a think tank and research centre that promotes research and best practice in corporate governance. The CGI builds on Frankfurt School’s high-class faculty to generate insights from the connection between practice and theory. Founded in 2020, its activities are centred around five areas:
Generate new knowledge about corporate governance and its implications for companies, institutional investors, and society.
Develop best practice in the area of corporate governance for companies and institutional investors.
Advise policy institutions and regulators about important developments in corporate governance.
Educate executives and students about corporate governance.
Build a strong community of corporate governance experts, corporates, and industry experts.
Explore our annual report to discover highlights of our activities and achievements in the past year.
Prof. Dr. Julia Redenius-Hövermann, LL. M.
Prof. Dr. Julia Redenius-Hövermann serve as a Professor of Civil and Company Law. She joined Frankfurt School in August 2012 as an Assistant Professor. From December 2006 until July 2012 Julia Redenius has held the position of postdoctoral research associate and lecturer at the Chair of Professor Theodor Baums at the Institute for Law and Finance, Goethe University Frankfurt. Before returning to her hometown Frankfurt, Julia Redenius worked as a research associate and lecturer at the Universities of Paris II-Assas and Paris XII-Saint Maur as well as an attorney at law in Paris. Julia Redenius holds Master degrees in French, German, European and International Corporate Law from the University of Paris II-Assas and Munich as well as a Ph. D. (summa cum laude, Supervision: Professor Michel Germain) from the University of Paris II-Assas. She was admitted to the Paris Bar Exam. As an ILF Research Fellow, Julia Redenius wrote her postdoctoral thesis (“Habilitation”) under the supervision of Professor Baums in the field of corporate law and behavioural law and economics; she received the venia legendi for Civil Law, Commercial and Business Law and Comparative Law in December 2017. Within the framework of her postdoctoral thesis, she was a visiting scholar at Columbia Law School, New York, in Fall 2011 (Fellowship of the Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation). Her research focuses on Corporate Law, Comparative Law, Capital Market Law, Banking Law and Law and Economics. Her advisory activity covers requests from national and international ministries concerning German Corporate Law. Julia Redenius is the Chairwoman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Compliance Manager Association, member of the Governance and Stewarship Commission of the DVFA, member of the Compliance working group of FIRM.
Prof. Christian Strenger
After obtaining a MBA at the University of Cologne and trainee programs in New York and London, Prof. Strenger joined in Deutsche Bank from 1972, he held increasingly senior positions in corporate finance and asset management in Frankfurt, New York and London until 1991. In 1991, he became speaker of the management board of 'DWS Investment GmbH', Germany's largest mutual fund company with current assets of around 750 billion Euros. In 1999, he joined the Supervisory Board of DWS and assumed supervisory and advisory mandates of listed German companies. In 2001 he became a founding member of the German Government’s Commission for the 'German Corporate Governance Code' until 2016. In 2014 Prof. Strenger received the ICGN Lifetime Achiever Award in Corporate Governance for his continuing commitment in promoting good corporate governance. Today, he participates in the discussion to develop German governance as Vice Chairman of the DVFA Corporate Governance Commission and holds MBA lectures and organizes symposia on corporate governance issues. He is regularly invited for guest lectures at other universities. Internationally, he is member and Past Chairman (2005/06) of the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) and member of the BIAC Governance Committee of the OECD in Paris. Prof. Strenger regularly publishes articles on important governance topics in leading financial journals and magazines.
Paul Bernhardt
Paul Bernhardt is a research associate at the Corporate Governance Institute. He is currently studying law at the Goethe University of Frankfurt after having completed his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management in 2019. His main interest currently lies in analyzing the overlaps between law and economics.
Dr. Peter Siemens, LL.M. (Cornell)
Dr. Peter Siemens is a postdoctoral researcher at the Corporate Governance Institute. His research focuses on questions of good governance and economic legal analysis. He studied law and wrote his PhD-thesis at the University of Frankfurt (graduating in 2019 and 2022, respectively). Dr. Siemens also earned his Master of Laws at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY in 2022. From 2022 to 2023, he worked at an international law firm in New York, NY as a corporate associate.
Quetzal Rojano-Adam, LL.M. (Cornell)
Quetzal Rojano-Adam is a research assistant at the Corporate Governance Institute. After completing his law degree at the University of Tübingen, he obtained a Master of Laws from Cornell Law School in 2023. His main interest lies in the comparative analysis of corporate governance in listed companies.
Annabel Emilie Magin
Annabel Emilie Magin is an academic assistant at the Corporate Governance Institute and a Business Administration Bachelor's student at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, interested in corporate governance and banking and finance.
Maximilian Christoph Walter
Maximilian Christoph Walter is an academic assistant at the Corporate Governance Institute and a Business Administration Bachelor's student with a Bachelor Professional (Bankfachwirt) certification at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, interested in finance and investor relations.
Prof. Dr. Zacharias Sautner
Professor of Sustainable Finance at University of Zurich and Senior Chair at the Swiss Finance Institute
Prof. Dr. Christina E. Bannier |
Prof. Dr. Patrick Leyens, LL.M. |
Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Theodor Baums |
Daniela Mattheus |
Prof. Dr. Marco Becht |
Prof. Dr. Joseph McCahery, J.D. |
Matthias Berninger |
Prof. Dr. Rolf Nonnenmacher |
Prof. Dr. Pierre-Henri Conac, LL.M. |
Prof. Dr. Arno Probst |
George Dallas |
Dr. Friederike Rotsch |
Prof. Dr. h.c. Guido Ferrarini, J.D., LL.M. |
Hendrik Schmidt |
Oliver Hedtmann |
Florian Schuhbauer |
Dr. Hans-Christoph Hirt, LL.M. |
Prof. Dr. Christoph H. Seibt, LL.M. |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter Hommelhoff |
Ingo Speich |
Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Klaus J. Hopt, MCJ |
Hauke Stars |
Dr. Steffen Jaeniche |
Marc Tüngler |
Dr. Claudia Junker, LL.M. |
Prof. Dr. Hannes Wagner |
Michael Kramarsch |
Dr. Robert Weber |
Claudia Kruse |
Prof. Dr. Norbert Winkeljohann |
26 July 2023 - A new CGI Working Paper, authored by Prof. Christian Strenger, Prof. Dr. Julia Redenius-Hövermann, and Dr. Gül Demirtaş, has been published on our website. The paper, titled “The Governance System of Germany: Background and Discussion of its Code”, presents an overview of the German corporate governance system for listed companies and then delivers a more detailed analysis of its present state by reviewing the acceptance of the 2022 version of the German Corporate Governance Code (the “Code”) based on the declarations of compliance disclosed by the large DAX companies represented in the DAX 40 index. It provides empirical evidence on the Code recommendations that companies readily adhere to, and the areas where they depart from or disagree with the Code.
22 June 2023 - Celebrating the 80th birthday of Professor Christian Strenger, Director of the Corporate Governance Institute at Frankfurt School, his influence and work were acknowledged by over 70 authors in the Festschrift "Vom Wert guter Governance". The Festschrift presentation took place at Frankfurt School. It was attended by around 70 participants as well as friends and companions of Professor Strenger from various fields such as business, art, culture, and sport. Christian Strenger's foundation will fund a Master's scholarship for good governance at Frankfurt School in the future. The event was musically complemented by scholarship holders from the arteMusica Foundation. Click here to read the press release (in German).
15 June 2023 - The CGI Annual Conference 2023, titled "Drivers or Driven? The role of companies, investors and regulators in the green transformation", took place at Frankfurt School. The conference addressed the pressing issues of climate change and sustainable finance, highlighting topics such as the European Green Deal, shareholder engagement on climate change, financing green innovation, the impact of ESG (environmental, social, governance) ratings and proxy advisors on the green transformation, as well as the potential and limitations of regulation in driving the green transformation. The conference provided a platform for valuable insights and diverse perspectives from leading experts to address important issues on climate policy and the sustainable transformation of business and financial systems.
27 March 2023 - Professor Dr. Julia Redenius-Hövermann, Director of the Corporate Governance Institute at Frankfurt School, presented the Hessian Minister of Justice, Professor Dr. Roman Poseck, the Governance Guidelines for Sustainability in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), which were developed by a commission of experts. The meeting took place at the Hessian Ministry of Justice in Wiesbaden. The guidelines are intended to give impetus and assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises in anchoring the topic of sustainability in the interests of the company, productivity and resilience in processes and control structures. Justice Minister Poseck showed interest and approval for the developed guidelines and emphasised that they should combine important goals and take into account the special features of medium-sized enterprises. In this context, it is important to sensitise SMEs to sustainability without forcing overregulation, so that sustainability remains a business decision. Click here to read the press release (in German).
News Archive
Governance Guidelines for Sustainability in SMEs have been published
13 March 2023 - The Expert Commission for the Development of Sustainable Governance Principles for SMEs, chaired by Professor Dr. Julia Redenius-Hövermann of the Corporate Governance Institute and her deputy Professor Dr. Christina E. Bannier from Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, published its new guidelines for SMEs. The guidelines comprise practical and science-based sustainable governance principles and make it easier for companies to address ESG issues in corporate governance and set targets for sustainable orientation. Click here to read the press release.
Roundtable Discussion: Reform of Supervisory Board Law
13 February 2023 - The expectations from supervisory board members have risen steadily in recent years; the job description has changed significantly. Good corporate governance requires significantly more time and presence to manage an increasingly demanding, complex programme, especially due to a double transformation in the areas of digitalisation and sustainability. Under the lead of Prof. Dr. Julia Redenius-Hövermann and Prof. Christian Strenger, the Corporate Governance Institute discussed this topic in a roundtable on "Reform of Supervisory Board Law" with leading representatives from the judiciary, practice, and academia.
Prof. Dr. Sautner moderated the session on climate finance research at the PRI Conference
2 December 2022 - The world's leading responsible investment conference, PRI in Person & Online, took place in Barcelona between 30 November - 2 December 2022. The conference brought together an audience of over 2,400 investors, policymakers, and other sustainable finance stakeholders. CGI Director Prof. Dr. Sautner took part in the conference as a moderator of the "Climate Finance Research and Implications" session, where the latest findings of climate finance research and their implications for investment professionals were discussed. Laura Starks, Professor of Finance at the University of Texas, Irene Monasterolo, Professor of Climate Finance at EDHEC Business School and EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute, and Frederic Samama, Head of Strategic Development at S&P Global Sustainable1 were speakers at the session.
Prof. Strenger contributed to the consultation meeting at the OECD Headquarters
21 November 2022 - As part of the ongoing review of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, a consultation meeting took place on 21 November 2022 at the OECD Headquarters in Paris. As a member of the BIAC OECD Corporate Governance Committee, CGI Director Prof. Strenger spoke at the consultation session and expressed key issues in the review of the Principles with a focus on corporate ownership and institutional investors.
Frankfurt School contributes to the future of corporate governance
24 October 2022 - The Corporate Governance Institute recently contributed to a significant agenda item in the global corporate governance discussion by submitting on 13 October 2022 its official comments on the Draft Revisions to the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. The comments will be taken into account in future discussions on revising the Principles, which are to be concluded in 2023. Click to read the press release.
Expert Commission for the Development of Sustainable Governance Principles for SMEs has been established
4 August 2022 - In order to counteract the problems in the implementation of sustainability strategies and transformation processes, the Expert Commission for the Development of Sustainable Governance Principles for SMEs has been newly established under the organisation of the CGI. It has set itself the goal of developing a practical guideline: By spring 2023, scientifically sound and at the same time application-oriented recommendations for action are to be made available to SMEs in the form of principles and best-practice examples that companies can use to establish sustainable governance.
Best paper award for FS professors Kornelia Fabisik and Zacharias Sautner
25 March 2022 - We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Kornelia Fabisik (Frankfurt School), Dr. Florian Berg (MIT) and Prof. Dr. Zacharias Sautner (Director of CGI), have been awarded as winners of the John L. Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance/IRRCI Research Paper Award Competition 2022.
We congratulate the winners on their paper "Is History Repeating Itself? The (Un)Predictable Past of ESG Ratings." Read the paper here.
7 February 2024 - Active and Activist Investors: Experiences and Paths of Encounter
With our regular events, we bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss intriguing corporate governance issues and trends. These events help us to build a strong corporate governance community and to shape our research agenda.
Next Annual Conference: February 13, 2025
19 April 2024 - Impulse zur Zukunft der Corporate Governance (German only)
7 February 2024 - Annual Conference: Active and Activist Investors: Experiences and Paths of Encounter
14 November 2023 - Joint conference with ESMT Berlin: Private Capital - Key to Retirement Provision and Transformation in Europe
5 September 2023 - Roundtable Discussion: Aufsichtsrats-Governance großer Wirtschaftsprüfungs-Gesellschaften
22 June 2023 - Festschrift Ceremony for Professor Christian Strenger
15 June 2023 - Annual Conference: Treiber oder Getriebene? Die Rolle von Unternehmen, Investoren und Regulatoren in der grünen Transformation
13 February 2023 - Roundtable Discussion: Eckpunkte für eine Reform des Aufsichtsrats-Rechts
7 October 2022 - Annual Conference: Corporate Governance in Familienunternehmen
13 May 2022 - Symposium: Effektiver Investorenschutz im Kapitalmarktrecht
15 February 2022 - Roundtable Discussion: Aktuelle Fragen der Entwicklung der deutschen Corporate Governance
15 November 2021 - Roundtable Discussion: Online Hauptversammlung - quo vadis? & Reform des Organhaftungsrechts
26 September 2021 - Vom Shareholder zum Stakeholder-Kapitalismus?
09 September 2021 - Annual Conference: ESG Ratings: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
12 November 2020 - Roundtable Discussion: German Shareholder Meetings - Quo vadis?
With an aim to address the challenges in the implementation of sustainability strategies and transformation processes, the Expertenkommission zur Erarbeitung von Sustainable Governance-Grundsätzen für den Mittelstand (Expert Commission for the Development of Sustainable Governance Principles for SMEs) has been established in July 2022 under the organisation of the Corporate Governance Institute.
In March 2023, the Expert Commission, chaired by Professor Dr. Julia Redenius-Hövermann of the Corporate Governance Institute and her deputy Professor Dr. Christina E. Bannier from Justus Liebig University Gießen, published a practical and application-oriented governance guideline for sustainability in SMEs.
Frankfurt School is accredited by the three largest and most influential business school accreditation organisations, AACSB, EQUIS - EFMD, and AMBA. This “triple crown” accreditation is held by only 100 business schools - i.e., less than 1% of all business schools world-wide.
Frankfurt School and the CGI members offer various executive education products in the area of corporate governance.
Exzellenzprogramm für Aufsichtsräte (several modules, in German)
Open-enrollment programme on Corporate Governance (1 day, in German)
Exzellenzprogramm für Geschäftsführer (several modules, in German)
Certified Compliance Professional (several modules, in German)
CEO-Programm (2 days, in German)
European Certified Compliance Professional (blended programme, in English)
The Corporate Governance Institute adopts an interdisciplinary research approach, knitting together academic and professional expertise in the areas of law and finance. We actively contribute to the global and European corporate governance discussion with publications in academic and professional journals. Our blog and media contributions help us further disseminate our perspectives and research insights outside the academic circles and across the business community.
Our research activities focus on the following areas:
- Redenius-Hövermann, Strenger, C., Demirtas, G., 2023. Public Consultation on Draft Revisions to the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises - Response from CGI.
- Strenger, C., Redenius-Hövermann, J., Demirtas, G., 2023. The Governance System of Germany: Background and Discussion of its Code.
- Redenius-Hövermann, J., Sautner, Z., Strenger, C., Demirtas, G., 2022. Public Consultation on Draft Revisions to the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, Response from CGI.
- Strenger, C., 2021. Chair of the Future.
2024 |
Demirtas, Gül/Strenger, Christian/Tröger, Tobias, „Sustainability Skills Disclosure For Boards: An Essential Prerequisite For Assessing Sustainability Competence”, ECGI - Law Working Paper No. 796/2024, SAFE Working Paper No. 427, abrufbar unter: |
Strenger, Christian, „Vorstandsvergütungen: Geht noch mehr?“, NZG 2024, 1245. |
Redenius-Hövermann, Julia, „Neue Ansätze für eine zeitgemäße Corporate Governance“ - Ein Werkstattbericht, AR 2024, 84 ff. |
Redenius-Hövermann, Julia/Bernhardt, Paul, „15 Jahre Say on Pay als Instrument guter Corporate Governance - Stumpfes Schwert oder effektives Mittel zur Kontrolle der Vorstandsvergütung?“, ZIP 2024, 603 ff. |
2023 | Ilhan, E., Krueger, P., Sautner, Z., Starks, L., 2023. Climate Risk Disclosure and Institutional Investors, Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 36(7), pp. 2617–2650. |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2023. “Mandatshöchstgrenzen oder weshalb die Lex Abs (S)trenger werden muss”, in: Redenius-Hövermann/Schmidt/Wolff (Hrsg.), Vom Wert guter Governance, Festschrift für Professor Christian Strenger zum 80. Geburtstag, 392-405. | |
Sautner, Z., van Lent, L., Vilkov, G., Zhang, R., 2023. Firm-level Climate Change Exposure, Journal of Finance, Vol. 78(3), pp. 1449-1498. | |
Siemens, P., 2023. Die aktienrechtliche Entlastung – de lege lata/de lege ferenda, Abhandlungen zum Deutschen und Europäischen Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht, Band 215, Duncker Humblot. | |
2022 | Hennrichs, J., Strenger, C., 2022. Wie steht es um die Aufsichtsräte bei den Wirtschaftsprüfern?, NZG 2022, 1561. |
Karsten, C., Malmendier, U., Sautner, Z., 2022. Lawyer Expertise and Contract Design—Evidence from M&A Negotiations, The Economic Journal, Vol. 132(642), p. 644-674. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2022. La tenue des assemblées générales – Transposition des art. 4-14 de la directive sur les droits des actionnaires (2007/36/CE) en droit allemand, in: C. Copet/M. Buchberger (Hrsg.), Commentaire de la directive sur les droits des actionnaires (2007/36/CE), Brüssel 2022. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2022. Kommentierung zu §§ 46g und 46h KWG, in: KWG-Kommentar, hrsg. von Luz/Neuss/Schaber/Schneider/Wagner/Weber, erscheint Stuttgart 2022. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2022. Die Abberufung von Organmitgliedern als Instrument guter Corporate Governance – ein Werkstattbericht, ZIP 2022, S. 817 ff. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., Halfmeier, A., 2022. Kapitalmarkt und kollektiver Rechtsschutz - Symposium in Gedenken an Andreas Tilp -, C.H.Beck. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., Siemens, P., 2022. Vorstandsvergütung und ESG – Auswirkungen von ARUG II, Corporate Finance Sonderheft «ESG und Konsequenzen für Unternehmensfinanzierung und Finanzanlagen», 05-06/2022, S. 140 ff. | |
Sautner, Z., van Lent, L., Vilkov, G., Zhang, R., 2022. Pricing Climate Change Exposure, Management Science. (forthcoming) |
2021 |
Cremers, M., Pareek, A., Sautner, Z., 2021. Short-Term Institutions, Analyst Recommendations, and Mispricing: The Role of Higher-Order Beliefs, Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 59(3), pp. 911-958. |
Dasgupta, A., Fos, V., Sautner, Z., 2021. Institutional Investors and Corporate Governance, Foundations and Trends in Finance, Vol. 12(4), pp. 276-394. | |
Ilhan, E., Sautner, Z., Vilkov, G., 2021. Carbon Tail Risk, Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 34(3), pp. 1540-1571. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., Schmidt, H., Strenger, C., 2021. Die Hauptversammlung der Zukunft – Was muss sich ändern?, Der Aufsichtsrat 2021, S. 98 ff. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2021. Zur Frauenquote im Vorstand, ZIP 2021, S. 1365 ff. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2021. Zum Anlegerschutz beim Delisting – de lege lata / de lege ferenda, ZIP 2021, S. 485 ff. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., Strenger, C., 2021. Überlegungen für eine wirksamere aktienrechtliche Organhaftung, in: A Compes/R. Thümmel/A. Winkler (Hrsg.), Festschrift für Alexander Reuter zum 65. Geburtstag, München 2021, S. 359 ff. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., Strenger, C., 2021. Die freiwillige Sonderprüfungen – Instrument für bessere Unternehmensgovernance, in: A. Dutzi/M. Gros/K. Nowak/B. Roese (Hrsg.), Corporate Governance, Rechenschaft und Abschlussprüfung, Festschrift für Hans-Joachim Böcking zum 65. Geburtstag, München 2021, S. 199 ff. | |
Sautner, Z., Starks, L., 2021. ESG and Downside Risks: Implications for Pension Funds, in: Sustainable Investment in Retirement Plans: Challenges and Opportunities, edited by O. Mitchell, P. Hammond, and R. Maurer, Oxford University Press. |
Before 2021
2020 |
Bannier, C., Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2020. Effekte guter Corporate Governance – Die Rolle unternehmerischer Transparenz, ZCG 2020, S. 245 ff. |
Bannier, C., Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2020. (Online) Hauptversammlungssaison 2020: Nachlese und Ausblick, ZIP 2020, S. 1885 ff. | |
Bannier, C., Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2020. Die virtuelle Hauptversammlung, Der Aufsichtsrat Sonderdossier 2020, S. 8 ff. | |
Cremers, M., Pareek, A., Sautner, Z., 2020. Short-Term Investors, Long-Term Investments, and Firm Value: Evidence from Russell 2000 Index Inclusions, Management Science, Vol. 66(10), pp. 4535-4551. | |
Krueger, P., Sautner, Z., Starks, L., 2020. The Importance of Climate Risks for Institutional Investors, Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 33(3), pp. 1067-1111. | |
Ladika, T., Sautner, Z., 2020. Managerial Short-Termism and Investment: Evidence from Accelerated Option Vesting, Review of Finance, Vol. 24(2), pp. 305-344. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2020. Kommentierung zu §§ 56, 60b KWG, in: KWG-Kommentar, hrsg. von Luz/Neuss/Schaber/Schneider/Wagner/Weber, Online Aktualisierung, Stuttgart 2020. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., Siemens, P., 2020. Die Herabsetzung der Vorstandsvergütung gem. § 87 II AktG de lege lata und de lege ferenda, ZIP 2020, S. 1585 ff. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., Walter, A., 2020. Ad-hoc-Veröffentlichungspflichten bei verbandsinternen Untersuchungen, ZIP 2020, S. 1331 ff. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., Henkel, E., 2020. Empirische Studie zur Aktionärsklage nach § 148 AktG, Die Aktiengesellschaft 2020, S. 349 ff. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., Schmidt, H., Heinen, V., Juschus, A., 2020. Auswertung der Governance-Qualität im DAX und MDAX, ZCG 2020, S. 71 ff. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., Siemens, P., 2020. Die Entlastung in der Aktiengesellschaft, Der Aufsichtsrat 2020, S. 53 ff. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., Siemens, P., 2020. Zum aktuellen Stand betreffend Clawback-Klauseln, ZIP 2020, S. 145 ff. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2020. Rechtsschutzmöglichkeiten bei Umwandlungsvorgängen (Kapitel 7), in: J. Kraft/J. Redenius-Hövermann (Hrsg.), Lehrbuch zum Umwandlungsrecht, 2. Aufl., Tübingen 2020, S. 323 ff. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2020. Behavioural Economics, Neuroeconomics, and Corporate Law, in: H. Anheier/Th. Baums (Hrsg.), Advances in corporate governance: comparative perspectives, Oxford 2020, S. 269 ff. | |
Sohl, T., Vroom, G., Fitza, M.A., 2020. How Much Does Business Model Matter for Firm Performance? A Variance Decomposition Analysis, Academy of Management Discoveries, Vol. 6(1), pp. 61-80. | |
Strenger, C., Redenius-Hövermann, J., Reuter, A., 2020. Das Unternehmenssanktionsrecht trifft die Falschen! Stellungnahme zum Entwurf eines „Gesetzes zur Stärkung der Integrität in der Wirtschaft“ aus gesellschaftsrechtlicher Sicht, ZIP 2020, S. 1160 ff. | |
2019 | Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2019. Verhalten im Unternehmensrecht – Über die realverhaltensorientierte Fortentwicklung des Unternehmensrechts anhand ausgewählter Anwendungsbeispiele, Jus Privatum, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2019, 452 S.; Druckkostenzuschuss der Otto Wolff-Stiftung und der Johanna und Fritz Buch Gedächtnis-Stiftung. Besprochen von Agstner, Banca, borsa, titoli di credito, 74 (2021), S. 658 ff.; Leyens, ZHR 2021, S. 616 ff.; Theisen, Der Aufsichtsrat 2019, S. 183. Zusammenfassung in AcP 2020, S. 842 ff. |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2019. Beratungsverträge mit Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern, Der Aufsichtsrat 2019, S. 144 ff. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2019. Reverse Factoring – Begriffsbestimmung, vertragliche Ausgestaltung und zivilrechtliche Folgeprobleme –, JURA 2019, S. 803 ff. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., Denecke, F., 2019. Arbeitnehmervertreter im Aufsichtsrat einer GmbH – Status und Rechtsfolgen –, Der Aufsichtsrat 2019, S. 88 ff. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2019. Zu den Novellierungen im Pauschalreisevertragsrecht, JURA 2019, S. 462 ff. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., Denecke, F., 2019. Bildung eines paritätisch besetzten Aufsichtsrats in der GmbH, Der Aufsichtsrat 2019, S. 56 ff. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2019. Unternehmensrecht bei M&A-Transaktionen, in: C. Schalast/L. Raettig (Hrsg.), Grundlagen des M&A-Geschäftes, 2. Aufl., Frankfurt 2019, S. 321 ff. | |
Strenger, C., 2019. 25 Jahre gelebte Governance, in: Festschrift für Ulrich Seibert, Otto Schmidt Verlag, S. 903-918. | |
Vedula, S., Fitza, M., 2019. Regional Recipes: A Configurational Analysis of the Regional Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for U.S. Venture Capital Backed Startups, Strategy Science, 4(1), pp. 4-24. | |
2018 | Kraft, J., Redenius-Hövermann, 2018. § 31 – SE-Gründung durch Spaltung, erscheint in: J. Lieder/C. Wilk/N. Ghassemi-Tabar (Hrsg.), Münchener Handbuch des Gesellschaftsrechts, Band 8, Umwandlungen, München 2018. |
Kraft, J., Redenius-Hövermann, 2018. § 30 – Grenzüberschreitende Spaltung, erscheint in: J. Lieder/C. Wilk/N. Ghassemi-Tabar (Hrsg.), Münchener Handbuch des Gesellschaftsrechts, Band 8, Umwandlungen, München 2018. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., Schmidt, H., 2018. Zur Unabhängigkeit von Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern, ZCG 2018, S. 218 ff., zugleich ILF Working Paper Nr. 154, 08/2018. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2017/2018, §§ 46d-46f, 49, 51, 54, 55, 55a, 56, 59, 60, 60a KWG, in: KWG-Kommentar, hrsg. von Luz/Neuss/Schaber/Schneider/Wagner/Weber, Online Aktualisierung, Stuttgart. |
Berg, F., Fabisik, K., Sautner, Z. Is History Repeating Itself? The (Un)predictable Past of ESG Ratings. |
Cronqvist, H., Ladika, T., Sautner, Z. Limited Attention to Detail in Financial Markets. |
Hoepner, A., Oikonomou, I., Sautner, Z., Starks, L., Zhou, X. ESG Shareholder Engagement and Downside Risk. |
Krueger, P., Sautner, Z., Tang, D., Zhong, R. The Effects of Mandatory ESG Disclosure around the World. |
Sautner, Z., Yu, J., Zhong, R., Zhou, X. The EU Taxonomy and the Syndicated Loan Market. |
2024 |
Strenger, Christian, „Porsche und Volkswagen: Durch bessere Governance im Dax bleiben“, in: Börsen-Zeitung vom 02.09.2024 |
Redenius-Hövermann, Julia und Strenger, Christian, „Reform des Stabilisierungsgesetzes“ – Standpunkt, in: FAZ vom 10.12.2024 |
Strenger, Christian zitiert in: „Tango, Benko und der Boss-Chef“, in: FAZ vom 10.12.2024 |
2023 | Bannier, C., Redenius-Hövermann, J., Didier, V.C., 2023. Nachhaltigkeit ist eine unternehmerische Entscheidung, ESGZ, 2023(3). |
Sautner, Z., 2023. What can financial markets expect from mandatory ESG disclosures?, The ECGI Blog, 16 February. | |
Strenger, C, 2023. Warnsignal für Aufsichtsräte!, Gastbeitrag FAZ von 23.12.2023. | |
Strenger, C., Liebscher, M., 2023. Was macht die 29-jährige Sophie Piëch im Porsche-Aufsichtsrat?, Gastbeitrag, WirtschaftsWoche, v. 29.6.2023. |
2022 | Sautner, Z., 2022. Klimawandel und Unternehmensperformance, Gastbeitrag, Börsen-Zeitung v. 7.9.2022. |
Strenger, C., 2022. Wie steht es um die Aufsichtsräte von Wirtschaftsprüfern?, Gastbeitrag, Börsen-Zeitung v. 12.8.2022. | |
Strenger, C., 2022. Der „neue“ Governance-Kodex – alles gelungen?, Gastbeitrag, Börsen-Zeitung v. 9.6.2022. | |
Strenger, C., Liebscher, M., 2022. Unangemessene Begünstigung der Familien Piëch und Porsche, Gastbeitrag, Börsen-Zeitung v. 20.9.2022. |
2021 | Cremers, M., Pareek, A., Sautner, Z., 2021. Short-Term Institutions, Analyst Recommendations, and Mispricing: The Role of Higher-Order Beliefs, The Columbia Law School (CLS) Blue Sky Blog. |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., Strenger, C., 2021. Organhaftung: eine „stumpfe Waffe“ auch im Fall VW?, Gastbeitrag, Börsen-Zeitung v. 11.6.2021, S. 8. | |
Sautner, Z., 2021. The Effects of Mandatory ESG Disclosure around the World, The Columbia Law School (CLS) Blue Sky Blog. | |
Strenger, C., 2021. Dax40 – geht das ohne gute Governance?, Gastbeitrag, Börsen-Zeitung v. 17.8.2021. | |
Strenger, C., 2021. Dominieren Investoren die Debatte über die Vergütung?, Gastbeitrag, Börsen-Zeitung v. 4.2.2021. | |
Strenger, C., Bannier, C., 2021. Nachhaltigkeit – ein Pflichtprogramm auch für Aufsichtsräte?, FAZ, 10.4.2021, S. 27. |
2020 | Redenius-Hövermann, J., Bannier, C., 2020. Gesetzgeber muss Aktionärsrechte in der virtuellen HV sichern, Gastbeitrag, Börsen-Zeitung v. 25.9.2020, S. 11. |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., Reuter, A., Strenger, C., 2020. Verbandssanktionen: Ein falscher Aufschlag!, Editorial, BB 26/2020, Die Erste Seite. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., Bannier, C., 2020. Die virtuelle Hauptversammlung hat Chancen und Risiken, Gastbeitrag, FAZ v. 14.4.2020. | |
Redenius-Hövermann, J., Strenger, C., 2020. Die krisenbedingte HV-Gesetzgebung bedarf Ergänzungen im Aktionärsinteresse, Gastbeitrag, Börsen-Zeitung v. 24.3.2020, S. 9. | |
Strenger, C., Redenius-Hövermann, J., 2020. Delisting hebelt Aktionärsrechte aus, Börsen-Zeitung v. 15.12.2020, S. 8. |
Strenger, C., 2020. Eine schmerzhafte Lektion: Die Lehren aus dem Fall Wirecard, Handelsblatt, 28.12.2020. |
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