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Emerging Scholars in Accounting Conference 2024

The fifth edition of the Emerging Scholars in Accounting Conference will take place on October 9-10, 2024. The event is organized by the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and co-hosted by Goethe University of Frankfurt and the Collaborative Research Center TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency.

The conference will feature seven presentations by young accounting researchers. The goal of the conference is to allow selected final-stage Ph.D. candidates to present their work in front of a critical but supportive audience, receive helpful feedback, and have intellectually stimulating discussions centered around accounting research.

The conference will start at 10.30 am on October 9th and will end at 12:30pm on October 10th.

For more information, please find the schedule below.


Day 1 - 9 October 2024 in Seminar Room S3.01
10:30 – 11:00 Registration and Welcome remarks
11:00 – 12:00

Hao Ma

ESSEC Business School
The Rise of Professional Women and Anti-Discrimination Policies: Evidence from the CPA Profession

Discussant: Caspar David Peter, Erasmus University

12:00 – 12:15 Break

12:15 – 13:15

Jonas Piero Dalmazo

University of Chicago

The Effects of Alternative Data on Misreporting

Discussant: Nancy Su, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

13:15 – 14:45 Lunch

14:45 – 15:45

Zitong Zeng

University of California, Los Angeles

From FASB to Retail Shelves: ASC 606, Promotions, and Prices

Discussant: Maximillian Müller, University of Cologne

15:45 – 16:00 Break

16:00 – 17:00

Carmine Pizzo

Lancaster University

Government Certification in Public Procurement: Evidence from the Italian Legality Rating

Discussant: Stefano Cascino, London School of Economics



Dinner at Casa de Rose

 Day 2 - 10 October 2024 in Seminar Room S3.01

9:00 – 10:00

David Park

Seoul National University

Corporate Disclosures and Real Responses to Geopolitical Risk: Evidence from the War in Ukraine

Discussant: Harm Schütt, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management

10:00 – 10:15 Break

10:15 – 11:15

Enshuai Yu

Boston College

Regulatory Costs and Vertical Integration: Evidence from Supply Chain Disclosure Regulations

Discussant:  Jannis Bischof, University of Mannheim

11:15 – 11:30 Break

11:30 – 12:30

Junyoung Jeong

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Salaries on Display: Unintended Consequences of Wage Disclosure

Discussant: Katharina Hombach, Goethe University

Emerging Scholars in Accounting Conference 2023

The fourth edition of the Emerging Scholars in Accounting Conference will take place on October 11-12, 2023. The event is organized by the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and co-hosted by Goethe University of Frankfurt and the Collaborative Research Center TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency.

The conference will feature seven presentations by young accounting researchers. The goal of the conference is to allow selected final-stage Ph.D. candidates to present their work in front of a critical but supportive audience, receive helpful feedback, and have intellectually stimulating discussions centered around accounting research.

The conference will start at 10.30 am on October 11th and will end at noon on October 12th, to allow for efficient traveling schedules.

For more information, please find the schedule below.


Day 1 - October 11th, 2023 in room S3.02
10:30 – 11:00 Registration and Welcome remarks
11:00 – 12:00

Fan Wu

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
"More Disclosure, Fewer Outside Opportunities? Accelerated Patent Disclosure and Market for Managerial Human Capital"

Discussant: Thomas Keusch, INSEAD


12:10 – 13:10

Shuqing Huang

NYU Stern School of Business

"The Effects of Mandatory Environmental Disclosure on Environmental Alliances"

Discussant: Robert Stoumbos, ESSEC Business School

Lunch Break

14:30 – 15:30

ShinWoo Lee

Columbia Business School

"Does Insider Trading Enforcement Always Yield Positive Consequences for the Stock Market? Evidence from U.S. vs. Newman"

Discussant: Katharina Hombach, Goethe University


15:40 – 16:40

Marco Errico

ESADE Business School

"CSR Information and Regulatory Activity"

Discussant: Stefano Cascino, London School of Economics



Dinner at Casa de Rose

Day 2 - October 12th3, 2023 in room S3.02

9:00 – 10:00

Alexander Liss

Paderborn University

"IP Disclosure under IP Litigation"

Discussant: Christoph Sextroh, Tilburg School of Economics and Management


10:10 – 11:10

Dave Baik

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

"The Effect of Management Diversity Cheap Talk on Ethical Climate: Evidence from Store and Employee-level Analyses"

Discussant: Aneesh Raghunandan, London School of Economics


11:20 – 12:20

Junhao Liu

Rotman School of Management

"Website Cookies and Voluntary Disclosure"

Discussant: Holger Daske, Mannheim University

Emerging Scholars in Accounting Conference 2022

The third edition of the Emerging Scholars in Accounting Conference will take place on October 12-13, 2022. The event will be hosted jointly by the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Goethe University of Frankfurt, and the Collaborative Research Center TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency.

The conference will feature nine presentations by young accounting researchers. The goal of the conference is to allow selected final-stage Ph.D. candidates to present their work in front of a critical but supportive audience, receive helpful feedback, and have intellectually stimulating discussions centered around accounting research.

The conference will start at 09.00 am on October 12th and will end at noon on October 13th, to allow for efficient traveling schedules.

For more information, please find the schedule below.


Day 1 - October 12, 2022 in room S3.02
09:00 – 09:30 Registration and Welcome remarks
09:30 – 10:30 Tanja Keeve
Frankfurt School of Finance &
"Peer Effects in ESG Ratings: Evidence from
Gender Pay Gap Disclosures"

Discussant: Caspar Peter, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus


10:40 – 11:40

Chao Jin
Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology

"Labor Market Concentration and the
Corporate Training Disclosure"

Discussant: Maria Correia, London School of Economics


11:50 – 12:50 Mengfan Liu
Erasmus University Rotterdam

"The Effect of Mandatory R&D Disclosure on
Peer's Voluntary Disclosure"

Discussant: Maximilian Müller, University of Cologne

Lunch Break

14:00 – 15:00

Patricia Breuer
University of Mannheim

"Transparency and Firm Heterogeneity"

Discussant: Ryan Ball, Ross School of Business of University of Michigan


15:10 – 16:10

Jan Lampe

"Demand-Driven Feedback: Effects on
Evaluations of Performance and Potential"

Discussant: Katlijn Haesebrouck, Maastricht University


16:20 – 17:20

Sandra Schafhäutle
Amsterdam Business School

"Shareholder Litigation Risk and Managers'
Private Disclosure of Earnings Warnings"

Discussant: Thomas Keusch, INSEAD

Day 2 - October 13, 2022 in room S3.02

9:00 – 10:00

Tony (Yang Ha) Cho
NYU Stern

"Misrepresentation of Future Sustainability
Performance: Evidence from Seasoned
Equity Offerings"

Discussant: Stephen Hollander, Tilburg School of Economics and


10:10 – 11:10

Alexandre Madelaine
HEC Paris

"Fund Managers’ Ownership and
Informativeness of Equity Research
Presented at Investment Conferences"

Discussant: Frank Ecker, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management


11:25 – 12:25

Yiran Kang
Columbia Business School

"Financial Reporting in Private Equity

Discussant: Joachim Gassen, Humboldt University, Berlin