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MUN saal

Frankfurt School - Model United Nations

Join us for a life-changing experience in New York and learn about international politics and the art of diplomacy.

Each year, the FS Model United Nations (MUN) initiative offers FSFM students the unique opportunity to participate in the National Model United Nations (NMUN) Conference in New York. In this political simulation students experience firsthand how the UN works and learn to engage in global issues. Thereby, participating students advance their skill set, including public speaking, formal writing, negotiating and diplomatic skills, as well as assertiveness and team spirit. After all, the NMUN New York is an exceptional experience to stimulate cultural exchange. In 2017, FS MUN counted over 40 participants throughout all study programs and achieved several awards for position papers and delegations. 

Model United Nations

What is it about?

Model United Nations conferences are academic simulations that reenact the sessions of the principal organs and agencies of the UN in order to educate participants about pressing issues in the international political sphere, the current political agenda and the rules of procedure of the different UN bodies as well as the art of diplomacy and negotiation in general. Participating delegations commonly have a university or high school background and represent the delegation of a certain member state to the UN’s different committees. Having researched the position of their assigned country beforehand, they discuss a handful of actual agenda topics during simulated committee sessions of a UN body, aiming to develop solutions in the form of resolutions and reports – the UN’s regular working documents.

Role-playing a country

For Model United Nations a country is assigned to each delegation, which is usually not their home country. It is a major challenge to familiarize yourself with another country in-depth, learn about its history and understand what defines its people to ultimately being able to work on your political position, determine possible allies and stay in character during the conference! While maintaining a professional manner, delegates still have to behave as it suits their country's position. Beforehand and during such a simulation, delegates dive much deeper into a country's culture and politics than it is ever possible in school or university lessons. This is a valuable experience which creates an intensive understanding of other cultures. Therefore, our delegation will get in touch with the regarding embassy or mission to intensify preparations and gain an understanding of local characteristics.


Meet us at the FS Initiative Fair

Location: Frankfurt School Campus

Each year, a great number of students wants to become part of Frankfurt School's own delegation going to the Model United Nations conference in New York. Although we apply to represent big countries, we are usually not able to take all interested students with us. To ensure a fair selection process for potential delegates based on their performance and motivation, we implemented several steps leading to admission. 

Join us on our Kick-Off

Location: S0.02, Frankfurt School Campus

Somewhen in the first weeks of the semester, we will have two kick-off meetings. Two? That's right, due to the great number of interested students, we host two Kick-offs. This way everybody has time and the chance to join us at one Kick-off (and also to prevent the rooms at Frankfurt School from bursting). Watch out for our announcement posters on the campus and the events on our Facebook page.

Attend one of two mock sessions


Right after kicking-off we host two mock sessions- but no worries, you’ll only have to attend one. There, we will simulate the conference to give you a feeling of how everything works and what you can expect, while we get the chance to get to know you better! As this simulation gives you essential preparation for your application, your attendance is mandatory, if you want to become part of the delegation. More specifically, you will learn about conference-procedures, rules and motions plus "staying in character". To ensure a fun learning experience for you, we’ll have a set of phantasy countries with short role descriptions and beer and pizza to keep your bellies satisfied as well.

United Nations Workshop

To give you a first overview of the structure, processes, history and customs of international diplomacy in the UN, we were able to organise a workshop regarding this topic for you. You’ll get all the information you need to get started in our initiative in one presentation and will have the chance to ask all your questions to an expert in these matters.

Workshop Weekend: Oktober

This is the most important part of your way to become a FS MUN delegate. If you want to apply, you must attend the workshop in any case. At this workshop weekend we stay together in a hotel in Mannheim for two days. During day time, we learn more about MUNs and New York and simulate a conference, this time with real assigned countries and prepared position papers. At night, we go out together and test your group skills. This weekend is the basis of your application. Your performance is key for our decision. 

Resolution Writing Workshop

Finally: Your application

Immediately after the workshop weekend you will get an application form via e-mail from us. Please note that we cannot give out the application form before the workshop weekend and we will not accept applications in any other form.

Our Preparations

In October, the countries for the next New York conference are assigned. Approximately at the beginning of November we will have chosen our delegation for next year's NMUN. After the selection workshop weekend and the confirmation of delegates we immediately start with intense preparations. This includes learning about the United Nations and their committees, getting familiar with our country, skill drill, strategy maps, the MainMUN conference and of course: position paper writing. Since our students have exam week in December and also because many of them work, preparing can get a little stressy from time to time. Good organisation is crucial here, which is why we give you all dates and deadlines early in advance in order to give you the chance to plan ahead. 

Country Workshop

An amazing part of MUN is that you have to represent a foreign country. This is quite exciting, but also requires profound knowledge of its people’s values, which might differ from your own and after which you have to act accordingly nevertheless during the conference to stay in character. Next year we aim to represent RUSSIA; thus, the Country Workshop is supposed to give you an overview of all the characteristics and peculiarities of this country and its position in international matters. With the help of several experts on this field, we’ll be able to dig deeper into the matter and become fully prepared for the conference.

Public Speaking Workshop

In the United Nations, every country speaks up in order to make the others aware of its position- either in formal speeches or during informal negotiations. The ModelUN simulations mirror the official UN procedures they follow this speaking pattern as well. This requires the ability to speak clearly and publicly from delegates to participate successfully on the conference. Giving a good speech will make other delegates notice you and perceive you as a capable possible ally. To prepare our future delegation as well as possible we were able to attract a well renowned expert in the field to introduce us to the art of public speaking and make everyone ready to face a big audience.

Position Paper Workshop

Last but not least, we’ll teach you how to write a position paper. Every delegation provides NMUN beforehand with a brief position paper per committee it sits on that explains the delegation’s views on all issues raised on the agenda. Thus, it is the most crucial step to be done before the conference, especially as delegates can win one of the popular awards for it.


After all the workshop, it is finally time that you get to apply your new skills in the field of international diplomacy. Therefore, FS delegates participate in the local MUN simulation taking place in Frankfurt to familiarize themselves with the conference routine and to gather some experience in forging alliances and negotiating.