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FS Management department area

Frankfurt School’s Management Department is an interdisciplinary group of scholars with backgrounds in management, strategy, psychology, engineering, mathematics and computer science. The department focuses its research and teaching on managerial challenges and decision-making problems relevant to companies and other organizations in all sectors and industries.

The department embraces a large array of research and teaching methodologies, and seeks to disseminate latest research to students, managers and policy makers. The department’s mission is to advance informed decision-making in practice and to build strong ties with industry partners.

The Management Department encompasses four major areas of expertise:

  • Strategy & Organization
  • Technology & Operations
  • Marketing
  • Data and Decision Sciences

The Strategy and Organization Area advances scholarship on competitive advantage and management through rigorous research and teaching at the cutting edge of knowledge. We have particular expertise in organizing under uncertainty, managerial cognition, and organizational behaviors. Theories of resource allocation, the politics of learning, and incentivizing innovation were developed here, for example. Our colleagues are at the forefront of paradigm shifts towards organizational experiments and machine learning. We aim to contribute to a better understanding of organizing and management by uncovering both the macro and micro foundations.

The Technology and Operations Area works on the design, management, and advancement of operating systems and processes in a diverse set of industries. We seek to understand the various activities that comprise a firm’s value creation chain—including product and process development, procurement, production and distribution of goods, and delivery of services—and we aim to improve firms’ information and material flows and their global networks.

The Marketing Area works on a broad range of substantive and methodological topics, ranging from quantitative modelling to consumer behaviour. Our key focus is on deriving a better understanding of customers as the ultimate source of value to a firm. Our research helps not only firms improve their marketing strategies, but also provides important insights to consumers and policy makers.

The Data and Decision Sciences Area studies how techniques from computer science, machine learning, and game theory can be leveraged to improve managerial decision making. A particular focus is on the development of methods that effectively combine human and machine intelligence, improving upon decisions made by humans and machines alone. Drawing on a diverse set of research methods, our applications range from financial and social networks to geopolitical forecasting.


Hadil Fahoum
Department Assistant

Faculty Members

Strategy & Organization Area
Technology & Operations Area
Marketing Area
Data & Decision Sciences Area

Affiliated Faculty

Research Centres

The members of our Management Department cluster their expertise in two different research centres.

Each centre has its own clearly defined area of specialisation and conducts an ongoing expert exchange with representatives of experts from other universities and journalists.


In the following, we present select publications by the faculty in our Management Department

Selected Publications

Klingebiel, R., Joseph, J., Machoba, V., 2022. Sequencing innovation rollout: Learning opportunity versus entry speed, Strategic Management Journal.pp 1-30.

Billinger, S., Srikanth, K., Stieglitz, N., Schumacher, T., 2021. Exploration and exploitation in complex search tasks: How feedback influences whether and where human agents search, Strategic Management Journal.

Chen, Z., Mihm, J., Schlapp, J., 2021. Sourcing Innovation: Integrated System or Individual Components?, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. (Vol. 24(2), S. 1056-1073.

Christensen, M., Dahl, C., Knudsen, T., Wargelien, M., 2021. Bias and Discrimination in Organizational Decisions: An Experimental Study of Endogenous Adaption, Organization Science. Published 21.10.2021, pp 1-19.

Christensen, M., Dahl, C., Knudsen, T., Warglien, M., 2021. Context and Aggregation: An Experimental Study of Bias and Discrimination in Organizational Decisions, Organization Science S. 1-19.

Giustiziero, G., Kretschmer, T., Somaya, D., Wu, B., 2021. Hyperspecialization and Hyperscaling: A Resource-Based Theory of the Digital Firm, Strategic Management Journal. Published 11/ 2021.

Goldschmidt, K., Kremer, M., Thomas, D., Craighead, C., 2021. Strategic Sourcing Under Severe Disruption Risk: Learning Failures and Under-Diversification Bias, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Vol. 23(4), S. 745-1004.

Jussupow, E., Spohrer, K., Heinzl, A., Gawlitza, J., 2021. Augmenting Medical Diagnosis Decisions? An Investigation into Physicians' Decision Making Process with Artificial Intelligence, Information Systems Research Vol. 32(3), S. 713-735.

Keil, T., Lavie, D., Pavicevic, S., 2021. When do Outside CEOs Underperform?: From CEO-centric to Stakeholder-centric Perspective on Post-Succession Performance, Academy of Management Journal. 08.07.2021.

Levinthal, D., Rerup, C., 2021. The plural of goal: Learning in a world of ambiguity, Organization Science Vol. 32(3), S. 527-543.

Leyer, M., Reus, M., Moormann, J., 2021. How satisfied are employees with lean environments?, Production Planning and Control Vol. 32(1), pp. 52-62.

Pavicevic, S., Keil, T., 2021. The Role of Procedural Rationality in Debiasing Acquisition Decisions of Overconfident CEOs, Strategic Management Journal Vol. 42(9), S. 1696-1715.

Atalay, S., Meloy, M., 2020. Improving Evacuation Compliance through Control: Implications for Emergency Management Policy and Disaster Communications, Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing Vol. 32(3), pp. 1-15.

Atanasov, P., Witkowski, J., Ungar, L., Mellers, B., Tetlock, P., 2020. Small Steps to Accuracy: Incremental Belief Updaters Are Better Forecasters, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Vol. 160 (2020), pp. 19-35.

Beck, J., Rahinel, R., Bleier, A., 2020. Company Worth Keeping: Personal Control and Preferences for Brand Leaders, Journal of Consumer Research Vol. 46(5), pp. 871-886.

Blaseg, D., Schulze, C., Skiera, B., 2020. Consumer Protection on Kickstarter, Marketing Science Jg. 39(1), pp. 211-233.

Bleier, A., Goldfarb, A., Tucker, C., 2020. Consumer Privacy and the Future of Data-Based Innovation and Marketing, International Journal of Research in Marketing Vol. 37(3), pp. 466-480.

Chattopadhyay, P., George, E., Li, J., & Gupta, V. (2020). Geographical Dissimilarity and Team Member Influence: Do Emotions Experienced in the Initial Team Meeting Matter?. Academy of Management Journal, 63(6), 1807–1839.

Christensen, M., Knudsen, T., Nash, U., Stieglitz, N., 2020. Industry competition and firm conduct: Joint determinants of risk-return relations, Strategic Management Journal Vol. 41(12), S. 2315-2338.

Fan, J., Meng, J., Liu, Y., Saberi, A., Kurths, J., Nagler, J., 2020. Universal gap scaling in percolation, Nature Physics.

Giustiziero, G., 2020. Is the Division of Labor limited by the Extent of the Market? Opportunity Cost Theory with Evidence from the Real Estate Brokerage Industry, Strategic Management Journal.

Klingebiel, R., Rammer, C., 2020. Optionality and selectiveness in innovation, Academy of Management Discoveries.

Klingebiel, R., Esser, P., 2020. Stage-Gate Escalation, Strategy Science Vol. 5(4), pp. 311-329.

Kosyakova, T., Otter, T., Misra, S., Neuerburg, C., 2020. Exact MCMC for Choices from Menus - Measuring Substitution and Complementarity among Menu Items, Marketing Science.

Roßbach, P., 2020. Interpretation von Machine-Learning-Modellen, Banking and Information Technology (BIT) Bd. 21(1), pp. 13-21.

Sohl, T., Vroom, G., Fitza, M., 2020. How much does business model matter for firm performance?: a variance decomposition analysis, Academy of Management Discoveries.

Vendelo, M., Rerup, C., 2020. Collective mindfulness in a regenerating organization: Ethnographic evidence from Roskilde festival, Safety Science Vol. 123 (Article-No. 104537).

Wolters, H., Schulze, C., Gedenk, K., 2020. Referral Reward Size and New Customer Profitability, Marketing Science.

Giustiziero, G., Kaul, A., Wu, X., 2019. The dynamics of learning and competition in Schumpeterian environments, Organization Science Vol. 30(4), pp. 647-867.

Mihm, J., Schlapp, J., 2019. Sourcing Innovation: on Feedback in Contests, Management Science Vol. 65(2), pp. 559-576.

Welch, X., Pavicevic, S., Keil, T., Lamaanen, T., 2019. The pre-deal phase of mergers and aquisitions: a review and research agenda, Journal of Management.

Baumann, O., Eggers, J., Stieglitz, N., 2019. Colleagues and Competitors: How Internal Social Comparisons Shape Organizational Search and Adaptation, Administrative Science Quarterly. Vol. 64(2), S. 275-309.

Maslach, D., Branzei, O., Rerup, C., Zbaracki, M., 2018. Noise as signal in learning from rare events, Organization Science Vol. 29(2), S. 225-246.

Salvato, C., Rerup, C., 2018. Routine regulation: Balancing conflicting goals in organizational routines, Administrative Science Quarterly Vol. 63(1), S. 170-209.

Fitza, M., 2017. How much do CEOs really matter?: Reaffirming that the CEO effect is mostly due to chance, Strategic Management Journal Vol. 38(3), pp. 802-811.

Hayward, M., Fitza, M., 2017. Pseudo-Precision?: Precise Forecasts and Impression Management in Managerial Earnings Forecasts, Academy of Management Journal. Vol. 60(3), S. 1094-1116.

Kremer, M., Mantin, B., Ovchinnikov, A., 2017. Dynamic Pricing in the Presence of Myopic and Strategic Consumers: Theory and Experiment, Production and Operations Management Vol. 26(1), pp. 116-133.

Tihanyi, L., Fitza, M., 2017. How much does ownership form matter?, Strategic Management Journal. Vol. 38(13), S. 2726-2743.

Withers, M., Fitza, M., 2017. Do board chairs matter?: The influence of board chairs on firm performance, Strategic Management Journal Vol. 38(6), pp. 1343-1355.

Joseph, J., Klingebiel, R., & Wilson, A. J. (2016). Organizational Structure and Performance Feedback: Centralization, Aspirations, and Termination Decisions. Organization Science, 27(5), 1065-1083.

Klingebiel, R., Joseph, J., 2016. Entry timing and innovation strategy in feature phones, Strategic Management Journal Vol. 37(6), pp. 1002-1020.

Kremer, M., & Debo, L. (2016). Inferring Quality from Wait Time. Management Science, 62(10), 3023-3038. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2015.2264

Kremer, M., Siemsen, E., & Thomas, D. J. (2016). The Sum and Its Parts: Judgmental Hierarchical Forecasting. Management Science, 62(9), 2745-2764.

Stieglitz, N., Knudsen, T., & Becker, M. C. (2016). Adaptation and inertia in dynamic environments. Strategic Management Journal, 37(9), 1854-1864.

Strike, V., Rerup, C., 2016. Mediated Sensemaking, Academy of Management Journal Vol. 59(3), pp. 880-905.

Wal, A. L., Alexy, O., Block, J., & Sandner, P. G. (2016). The Best of Both Worlds. Administrative Science Quarterly, 61(3), 393-432.

Claussen, J., Kretschmer, T., & Stieglitz, N. (2015). Vertical Scope, Turbulence, and the Benefits of Commitment and Flexibility. Management Science, 61(4), 915-929.

Homburg, C., Ehm, L., & Artz, M. (2015). Measuring and Managing Consumer Sentiment in an Online Community Environment. Journal of Marketing Research, 52(5), 629-641.

Abbey, J. D., Meloy, M. G., Guide, V. D., & Atalay, S. (2014). Remanufactured Products in Closed-Loop Supply Chains for Consumer Goods. Production and Operations Management, 24(3), 488-503. doi:10.1111/poms.12238

Billinger, S., Stieglitz, N., & Schumacher, T. R. (2014). Search on Rugged Landscapes: An Experimental Study. Organization Science, 25(1), 93-108.

Homburg, C., Hahn, A., Bornemann, T., & Sandner, P. (2014). The Role of Chief Marketing Officers for Venture Capital Funding: Endowing New Ventures with Marketing Legitimacy. Journal of Marketing Research, 51(5), 625-644.

Klingebiel, R., & Adner, R. (2014). Real Options Logic Revisited: The Performance Effects of Alternative Resource Allocation Regimes. Academy of Management Journal, 58(1), 221-241. doi:10.5465/amj.2012.0703

Kremer, M., & Wassenhove, L. N. (2014). Willingness to Pay for Shifting Inventory Risk: The Role of Contractual Form. Production and Operations Management, 23(2), 239-252.

Palley, A. B., & Kremer, M. (2014). Sequential Search and Learning from Rank Feedback: Theory and Experimental Evidence. Management Science, 60(10), 2525-2542.

Schulze, C., Schöler, L., & Skiera, B. (2014). Not All Fun and Games: Viral Marketing for Utilitarian Products. Journal of Marketing, 78(1), 1-19.

Baumann, O., & Stieglitz, N. (2013). Rewarding value-creating ideas in organizations: The power of low-powered incentives. Strategic Management Journal, 35(3), 358-375.

Fitza, M. A. (2013). The use of variance decomposition in the investigation of CEO effects: How large must the CEO effect be to rule out chance? Strategic Management Journal, 35(12), 1839-1852. 

Klingebiel, R., & Meyer, A. D. (2013). Becoming Aware of the Unknown: Decision Making During the Implementation of a Strategic Initiative. Organization Science, 24(1), 133-153.

Klingebiel, R., & Rammer, C. (2013). Resource allocation strategy for innovation portfolio management. Strategic Management Journal, 35(2), 246-268.

Kremer, M., Minner, S., & Wassenhove, L. N. (2013). On the Preference to Avoid Ex Post Inventory Errors. Production and Operations Management, 23(5), 773-787.

Moritz, B., Siemsen, E., & Kremer, M. (2013). Judgmental Forecasting: Cognitive Reflection and Decision Speed. Production and Operations Management, 23(7), 1146-1160.

Artz, M., C. H., & Wieseke, J. (2012). Marketing Performance Measurement Systems. Journal of Marketing, 76(3), 56-77.

Atalay, A. S., Bodur, H. O., & Rasolofoarison, D. (2012). Shining in the Center: Central Gaze Cascade Effect on Product Choice. Journal of Consumer Research, 39(4), 848-866.

Ma, X., Tong, T. W., & Fitza, M. (2012). How much does subnational region matter to foreign subsidiary performance? Evidence from Fortune Global 500 Corporations’ investment in China. Journal of International Business Studies, 44(1), 66-87.

Schulze, C., Skiera, B., & Wiesel, T. (2012). Linking Customer and Financial Metrics to Shareholder Value: The Leverage Effect in Customer-Based Valuation. Journal of Marketing, 76(2), 17-32.

Kremer, M., Moritz, B., & Siemsen, E. (2011). Demand Forecasting Behavior: System Neglect and Change Detection. Management Science, 57(10), 1827-1843.

Matusik, S. F., & Fitza, M. A. (2011). Diversification in the venture capital industry: leveraging knowledge under uncertainty. Strategic Management Journal, 33(4), 407-426.

Management Seminars

Frankfurt School’s Research Seminar in Management is a forum for researchers to present and discuss research contributing to a better understanding of a broad range of managerial issues. The research seminar focuses on the interactive discussion of theoretically embedded papers following rigorous research designs (including empirical-archival and experimental research methods).

The talks usually take place on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. during the semester. Before or after the talk there is the opportunity to meet and exchange with members of the faculty in individual discussions.

External guests are welcome to attend and are in case of interest asked to subscribe by clicking the registration link below.