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Frankfurt am Main, 26.06.2024 12:00:00

June at Frankfurt School (FS) is traditionally marked by the Graduation Ceremonies – on 22 June, the graduates of the Bachelor in Betriebswirtschaftslehre (BA), the Bachelor in Business Administration (BSc), the Bachelor in Computational Business Analytics (BSc) and the Doctoral Programme were bid farewell. Once again, the Alte Oper provided the stylish setting for the ceremony in the company of friends and family.

In his welcoming speech, Professor Nils Stieglitz, President and CEO of Frankfurt School, congratulated all graduates and then gave the floor to the laudators Martin Brodka and Mathias Kiep.

FS alumnus Martin Brodka, Managing Director Global Capital Markets at Morgan Stanley, emphasised in his laudatory speech for the graduates of the Bachelor in Business Administration: "Comparing yourself to others leads to frustration, disappointment and sets the wrong incentives in working and living together. The sooner you realise that you are only running your own race, the sooner you can free yourself from distractions and put all your energy into your own path. Because the race is long, and in the end, you are only running it against yourself."

Mathias Kiep, FS alumnus and CFO of the TUI Group, presented a similar perspective in his laudatory speech for the graduates of the Bachelor of Science programmes and the doctoral programme: “My key points on your way forward: protect your core beliefs – your inner compass – and accept that sometimes frustration is likely.”

Following the laudatory speech – and also a good tradition –, Sarah Schmidtke, Managing Director of the Interessengemeinschaft Frankfurter Kreditinstitute (IFK), honoured the best graduates of the Bachelor of Business Administration. This year's awards went to Fotios Kapouranis (first place), Tinka Arlt (second place) and Carl-Philipp Benninghoven (third place).

The Frankfurt School Awards for Academic Excellence were presented by Professor Ansgar Richter, Vice President Academic Affairs, to the best student of each programme: Sebastian Josef Kreuzer from the Bachelor in Business Administration, Fotios Kapouranis from the Bachelor in Business Administration as well as Henricus Pieter Bracht and – tied on points – Adrian Kuehn from the Bachelor in Computational Business Analytics.

Looking back on the time at university, welcome as alumni

An essential part of Frankfurt School's Graduation Ceremonies are the reflections, retrospectives and outlooks of graduates. This year, Philipp Thieme, graduate of the Bachelor in Business Administration, and Anna Teresa Hidalgo Schwarz from the Bachelor in Business Administration shared their thoughts. Both emphasised the strength of the FS community in particular: “Thanks to you, I didn't perceive my time as a challenge, but as an enriching and unforgettable experience,” said Philipp Thieme, and Anna Teresa Hidalgo Schwarz added: ”As we graduate today, we may write new chapters in new places with new academic experiences, and new people. But we carry forward the legacy of Frankfurt School and the resilience to follow our dreams and shape this world for the better.”

In keeping with these thoughts and closing the official part of the celebrations, Lisa Ronneburger, Director of Student & Alumni Affairs, invited all graduates to join Frankfurt School's alumni network.