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Advanced Management Programme Header

Frankfurt am Main, 16.05.2022 12:00:00

Adapting to digital transformation, big data and AI, developing sustainable business models, coping with disrupted supply chains and geopolitical crises – mangers are facing complex challenges. Managers must learn to eal with uncertainties of a fundamental nature and unknown unknowns.

This is precisely where Frankfurt School's Advanced Management Programme (AMP) comes in. The English-language, part-time programme starts for the first time on 8 September 2022 and is aimed at experienced managers from all sectors. In the AMP, they deal with the geopolitical, economic, technological, social and ecological forces that are fundamentally transforming companies, business models and markets. In addition, participants expand their competencies and learn to actively shape strategic changes in their companies.

The AMP is organised in four modules: Discovering 21st Century Management, Building Future Businesses, Transforming People & Organisations and Creating Sustainable Value. In order to strengthen the personal exchange of experiences among participants, the AMPprimarily takes place face-to-face on the Frankfurt campus. In addition, Frankfurt School offers a hybrid format for the AMP.

There is a special scholarship programme available for female executives as well as for founders, entrepreneurs and executives in NGOs and non-profit organisations.

Vera Hübner, Head of Executive Education at Frankfurt School: "Currently the world is experiencing changes on a scale we have not seen for decades. This fact and the increasing acceleration of change make the lifelong learning concept more relevant than ever. Frankfurt School's Executive Education division helps executives meet the challenges of our time."
