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Frankfurt School provides assistance to various international institutions in the design, implementation and evaluation of projects that aim to contribute to a better and more sustainable future for all. This includes projects that focus on reducing poverty by strengthening financial intermediation in emerging markets or maintaining natural habitats and ecosystems by supporting measures in climate change adaptation and mitigation. Our services also include the facilitation of reforms in both emerging and developed markets.

We rely on a team of technically excellent in-house and freelance experts. This expertise is complemented by the strong track-record of our project management teams in implementing framework contracts.

Currently, we are managing a number of Framework Contracts (FWCs) either as a lead partner or as an active partner firm in a consortium.

Here is an overview of some of the FWCs managed by our Framework Contracts unit. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and is meant to provide an overview of topics covered by our team:

Name of the Framework

EC: Framework contract for the implementation of external aid 2018 (FWC SIEA 2018) – LOT 6: Innovative Financing for Development

Contract value: EUR 650,000,000 for all six lots


EC: Framework contract for the implementation of external aid 2018 (FWC SIEA 2018) – Lot 1: Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Resilience

Contract value: EUR 650,000,000 for all six lots


EC: Provision of consultancy services for the development and implementation of Structural Reforms in Member States

Contract value: EUR 125,000,000


European Commission Policy Support Facility for the Implementation of EU Foreign Policy - Lot 1: Public Diplomacy, Information Outreach and Organization of Events

Contract value: EUR 200,000,000 for all three lots


EIB Financial Sector Operations inside and outside of the European Union - Lot 1: Access to Finance for SMEs and MidCaps

Contract value: EUR 50,000,000 for both lots


EIB Financial Sector Operations inside and outside of the European Union - Lot 2: Climate Action Support Facility (CASF)

Contract value: EUR 50,000,000 for both lots


We welcome cooperation with experienced experts who have ideally worked in EU funded projects or directly with the EU in one or more of the following fields: policy advice, private sector development, finance products and structures, SME banking, microfinance, insurance as well as public finance.