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In summer 2021, Frankfurt School had already established its Indo-German Centre for Business Excellence (IGC). At the first IGC Annual Conference on 11 November, it will officially open its doors to friends, partners and research enthusiasts. The IGC brings together people and organisations interested in Germany-India business relations. It engages in research, student mobility and leadership development to foster deeper understanding and stronger ties between the two countries. The chairman is Professor Nils Stieglitz, President of Frankfurt School.
On 11 November 2021, the IGC will hold its first Annual Conference as a hybrid event. Among others, Soumitra Bhattacharya, President of the Bosch Group in India and Managing Director at Bosch, Puneet Chhatwal, Managing Director and CEO of The Indian Hotels Company Limited and President of the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce, Walter J. Lindner, German Ambassador to India, Professor Afschin Gandjour, Professor of Health Management at FS, and Professor Roland Koch, Professor of Management Practice in Regulated Environments at FS, will attend.
For more information on the IGC Annual Conference, click here.