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FS campus

Frankfurt am Main, 29.01.2021 12:00:00

On Saturday, 16 January, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management said goodbye to 150 Management graduates and on 23 January to 260 Betriebswirt graduates. Due to the Corona pandemic, the spring 2020 graduation ceremonies could not take place, so this year's virtual ceremonies were for both the 2019 and 2020 cohorts. Music was by Lisa Bund & Band.

Frankfurt School congratulated its graduates via livestream from the Frankfurt Campus Audimax. Gunnar Töpfer, Hessischer Rundfunk, hosted the event. Professor Nils Stieglitz, President of Frankfurt School, conveyed his congratulations via video message: "This degree will open many doors for you. I wish you all the best for your future."

Professor Jörg Werner, Vice President Degree Programmes at Frankfurt School, congratulated the graduates from the Audimax. Other speeches were given by Frankfurt School alumni Veit Gumpert and Carsten Padrok. They spoke about their time at Frankfurt School, gave insights into their professional development and personal advice to the graduates. The magician Jannik Görtz was a particular highlight. He brought the event to a close with a fascinating show.

Frankfurt School wishes its graduates all the best. The 2021 Management degree programme will begin in March, and the 2021 Betriebswirt degree programme in April.

Professor Jörg Werner

Lisa Bund & Band

Jannik Görtz
