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Tax Law Courses

Ihre Chancen im Steuerrecht

German tax law is subject to as many changes as hardly any other field of law. Therefore, knowledge of the current regulations and the correct assessment of tax matters is of considerable importance for professionals, decision-makers, and investment advisors.

The Executive Education at Frankfurt School offers comprehensive know-how and a network for tax advisory professions and all service providers who determine and communicate tax burdens. The continuing education programs are tailored to the needs of professionals and interested parties who want to expand or update their knowledge and skills in tax law.

Find your suitable continuing education in the field of tax law now and create an excellent foundation for sustainable success!

Our top 3 recommendations for your continuing education
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Contact us!

Stephan Busse

Programm Manager

069 154008-691

Unsere Dozenten

Im nächsten Semester unterrichte ich als Experte Unternehmensnachfolge und aktuelles Steuerrecht

Alfred Röhrig
Steuerberater, Dipl. Finanzwirt, Fachreferent und Fachautor

Ich freue mich darauf, die Themen Einkünfte aus Kapitalvermögen und Erbschaftsteuer zu unterrichten.

Christoph Schmidt
Dipl.-Kaufmann und Dipl.-Volkswirt, Richter am Finanzgericht Rheinland-Pfalz

Als Experte für Steuer-Updates, bin ich gespannt darauf, die Themen Steuern in der Vermögensanlage und Investmentfonds zu vermitteln.

Thorsten Dönges
Steuerberater, Dipl. Finanzwirt, Fachreferent und Fachautor