
Course Finder



With the Office of Learning Innovation, the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management has a high-performance team for innovative and technology-supported educational solutions. Our range of services includes the conception, creation and provision of learning content and learning platforms. In addition, we offer individual consulting and project services. 

Would you like a quick and uncomplicated introduction to our ready-made qualification content? Take a look at our current portfolio. After registering via one of the booking links below, you can get started immediately. You will then receive online access to the Frankfurt School learning platform for 12 months. You determine the place, time and pace of learning yourself.

Unfortunately, our ready-made qualification content is currently only available in German. 
However, if you are planning a project with English qualification content, please feel free to contact us.

Our Portfolio


Compliance has become an essential part of good corporate governance. We have both thematically general and specific online training courses available for you.

Other topics

Under this heading you will find online training on other exciting topics such as media competence or knowledge management.