The Frankfurt School conducts an individually tailored Management Development Programme for a large foreign company. Participants come from middle management. Some have a business background, while others have a technical background. Both groups have to be brought to the same level of knowledge, both in terms of economics and with respect to modern management and leadership techniques. At the same time, the new company values are transmitted during the programme.
Over the course of five modules and in the space of eight months, the themes of Commercial Awareness, Leadership and Building Confidence, Finance and Performance Excellence, Communication and Team Dynamics along with Innovation, Digitalisation and Change are taught. The English-language programme features a blended learning approach. Along with interactive presence events, it also comprises e-learning features with a range of examples, cases, exercises and webinars along with online forums. In addition, the participants go through several self-tests and a leadership assessment with subsequent individual coaching.
Each on-site event lasts three days and is held on company premises. After the classroom training and until the beginning of the next module, the participants go through the e-learning components developed individually for the module topics. The programme is rounded off with a certification of participation. The tailor-made management development programme is embedded into the concept of the official Frankfurt School “Certified Expert in Business Development” certificate programme. Participants who provide special services during the e-learning stages of the management programme receive mini MBA vouchers. These entitle participants to go through the Frankfurt School certification programme to “Certified Expert in Business Development”.
The “Week on Campus” as a Mini MBA classroom event is already considered to have been completed as part of the tailor-made company programme. This gives participants the opportunity to continue their own company programme and obtain a full Frankfurt School certificate. This is a great opportunity for the company to align its own needs with the needs of its employees.
A tailor-made company programme of this type can of course also start with the e-learning part of the official "Certified Expert in Business Development" certificate programme. The following parts, in particular the "Week on Campus" and the "Final Assignment" classroom events are then designed for the company on an individual basis, where the classroom event can also be run in-house. Our range of services