Innovations are a key to sustainable competitiveness. Especially in traditional corporate structures, external impulses are helpful but not sufficient. Insiders as innovation drivers are crucial.
Our customer, the European part of a global OEM supplier, wants to develop a circle of selected executives into internal innovation drivers. For this purpose, a programme will be set up that on the one hand strengthens the personal prerequisites for coping with these challenges and on the other hand imparts initial concrete innovation experiences during the course and offers participants both learning opportunities and platforms to recommend themselves to senior management for further management tasks. With the development of leadership and team competencies, the program objective ties in with an established competency model in the company and also emphasizes the need for participants to become effective as intrapreneurs and to overcome outdated structures and processes.
In order to give the programme a continuous logic, we identified three levels for the personal development of the participants with the following objectives:
Participants start the program with an assessment of their current situation, which is supported by an individually evaluated and post-processed personality questionnaire. This is followed by three consecutive off-the-job training modules:
Parallel to the programme, the participants steer real and success-relevant business projects - e.g. to the process of product development or to increase customer orientation - and implement the training impulses directly in their project and management responsibility. A constant team of trainers accompanies the participants through the program - including project coaching for each project team.
In order to strengthen the anchoring of the learning experience in the management practice of the participants and to best integrate the operational requirements, the programme is based on defined roles and responsibilities for the following participants:
A total of 15 managers from the European locations and various business units made their way to the intrapreneur level and took part in the three modules of the program. The concluding module, after targeted preparation by the participants, led to a presentation of the results, which showed the implemented innovations to the project clients as well as to the members of the management present. Special highlights: While the client of the program emphasized that the entire group of participants started an additional project on their own initiative and led it to success with great commitment, one member of the executive board confirmed that the group brought back to life a corporate spirit that had been missing for a long time.