Register and pay the fees by 31.05.2025 to receive a 10% early-bird discount!


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International Leadership Academy

Introduction Target group Content Learning Journey Duration and Price International Executive Campus Week Contact


"A great person attracts great people and knows how to hold them together." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Goethe’s insightful observation underscores a fundamental truth about leadership: a truly effective leader not only draws talented individuals but also fosters unity and collaboration among them. This ability is the essence of leadership, which goes beyond the scope of ordinary management to become the glue that binds a team and propels them toward shared goals. Effective leadership involves sparking motivation and encouraging team members to embrace collective values and objectives. It is a cultivated skill, not merely an innate quality, and requires ongoing learning and adaptation to the ever-evolving demands of modern management.

Intoduction to Leadership and key topics are explained here

At the International Leadership Academy, we don't promise to transform you into a great person overnight, but we do commit to deepening your understanding of what it means to be a leader. Through our program, you will gain new perspectives on your leadership abilities, enhance your awareness of team dynamics, and learn practical strategies to engage and motivate your team to achieve shared objectives.

Target Group

International Leadership Academy is designed for senior managers in banks and corporates who want to enhance their leadership skills to inspire and motivate their teams and business partners.


  • Your Personal Leadership Profile

  • Leading People

  • Motivating People

  • Motivating to Improved Performance Management

  • Building and Empowering Teams

  • Intercultural Communication

  • Elective 1 - Organisational Development

  • Elective 2 - Women in Leadership

  • Workshop: Individual Leadership Challenges

  • Negotiations

Your Learning Journey

Duration and Price

On Campus Training

  • 5 Days
  • Price: EUR 5,700*
  • 22.09.2025 - 26.09.2025
  • Optional Individual Leadership Assessment and coaching: 1400 EUR

*Early bird discount of 10% (register and pay before 31.05.2025)

*Price includes lunch and beverages during seminar

*Accommodation is not included in the price. For any assistance regarding accommodation contact us.

About International Executive Campus Week

The International Executive Campus week specialises in advanced executive learning topics, targeting middle to senior executives who wish to enhance their management and leadership skills. The other simultaneous programmes of the week are as follows.