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Frankfurt School Summer Academy

8 - 12 July 2024


Financial services providers are undergoing rapid change. Many face increasing competition, tougher regulation or are branching out to embrace new market segments.

The Summer Academy will cover key industry trends and emerging challenges for financial firms in emerging markets. This year we will offer a unique format of high-level panels and four specialist technical tracks.

Summer Academy Website Header

Our mission at Frankfurt School – International Advisory Services has always been closely aligned with the UN economic development mandate.  The Summer Academy is a unique practitioner platform where you can develop the leadership skills necessary to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our Summer Academy is designed to provide tangible take-home value: what you learn with us in Frankfurt, you can apply straight away in your own organisation. More than 1,000 participants over 20 years can’t be wrong – our trainings are cutting edge, delivered by leading experts in their field.  Yet, most important for the great success of our Summer Academies is the profile of the participants. You bring the regional expertise, diversity of backgrounds and the unique practitioner’s perspective. Learning from each other is an integral part of our training philosophy. This is your opportunity to stretch your network all around the globe.

What to Expect

Our lectures and the debates among participants will be led by Frankfurt School’s world-class faculty as well as a number of external guest speakers from development institutions who are leaders in their fields.

Each participant chooses one track though there will be plenty of interaction among participants, including in parallel sessions on one morning. Participants will have access to extensive material and lecture notes as input for our highly interactive sessions. Frankfurt School Green Finance and Inclusive Finance Diploma students will meet on campus to discuss key trends in their respective fields. The joint discussions and the various tracks are an excellent progression from our existing FS- E-Campus courses, though can also be taken independently.

A set of site-visits to leading industry players in the Frankfurt area and social events throughout the week at the Frankfurt School campus will offer plenty of networking opportunities.

Target Audience

This program will cater to a wide range of finance professionals from commercial banks, microfinance institutions, central banks and regulatory/government institutions, development organisations, and donor agencies.

Customise your Agenda - Choose your Track

The Summer Academy allows you as the participant to choose your own agenda. Network with the wider academy, but attend live sessions with industry experts, which closely align with your industry, organisation and personal development goals.

Read more about our tracks below.

digital finance Frankfurt school

Inclusive & Digital Finance

In this track, we will explore key trends in digital finance, financial inclusion policy and the microfinance community. Guest speakers will offer insights from the leading development institutions, and reflect on trends in policy, regulation and the industry globally.


Sustainable Agriculture Finance

In the Sustainable Agriculture Finance Track we will look at both sides of the finance equation: demand and supply. What do farmers and agribusinesses need in terms of financial services, and what can financial institutions offer?

People on food market

NEW: ESG & Impact Investing

This track introduces you to the different types of actors involved in ESG and Impact investing. It showcases how these actors manage ESG and impact by being clear about the different types of non-financial goals they are concerned about: exposures, risks, outputs, or outcomes.
Credit Risk

Risk Management & Analytics for Inclusive Financial Services

Data is Everything!

In this track, participants will apply practical data management tools to current challenges for retail institutions serving micro- and small business clients. We will explore the evolving risk environment for emerging market banks, including credit and asset liability management exposures.

solar panels

Sustainable Finance

We start with assessing regulatory trends in emerging markets. Then we kick off with the risk perspective of sustainable finance and will learn how to adequately price the risks in the sustainability transformation. After that, everything is about creating impact: we will assess how and what is needed to transform a company or financial institution to create sustainable impact, to align with the transformation, and how climate scenarios and analysis can help towards this end. Finally, we discuss different opportunities in terms of products and services for the financial sector, and assess the role of data and disclosure of sustainability-related information, before you will apply your knowledge in a competitive exercise.


Registrations for the 2024 Summer Academy are now open! Reserve your place and register today.

Administrative Details

The tuition fee for the trainings is EUR 5,700* and it covers all training materials, catering as well as transportation for any site visits**.

The Summer Academies are fully tuition based and not sponsored. Accordingly, participants are required to cover the full costs of the training or find a sponsor.

**Subject to change


There are several combinable discounts* for the Summer Academy:

  • 15% Early Bird Discount for all registrations made before 30 March 2024.

  • 10% Group Discount for each institution sending more than one participant to the programme.

  • 10% Alumni Discount for participants who have previously studied with Frankfurt School.

* Max. two discounts per participant.


The Summer Academy will be held at the Frankfurt School campus. Being one of the leading business schools in Germany and Europe, Frankfurt School offers modern facilities for an interactive senior training program. Our training rooms are equipped with the newest technology and the newest media to provide flexibility and quality in our training courses.

We have a strong focus on the wellbeing of our guests and course participants, a good training environment, air quality and modern equipment.


The language of instruction will be English and no translation will be provided.