- Structure and organization of banking supervision
- International, European and national supervisory structure
- European Banking Union (SSM and SRM)
- Legal framework and general overview
- Regulatory framework and scope of regulation
- CRR, CRD, KWG, regulations
- Financial institutions and other company terms
- Own funds terms and reporting form
- Composition of own funds
- Requirements for Tier 1 capital, Tier 2 capital and eligible liabilities
- Deduction and regulatory correction items
- Capital buffer approach
- Consolidation according to banking supervision requirements
- Supervision based in a consolidated basis
- Determination of regulatory groups
- Consolidation procedures and areas
- Overview of the COREP and FINREP reporting system
- Overview of notifications and reports
- Notifications concerning organizational and economic facts
- Person-related notifications
- Investment terms and notifications
- Overview of financial and risk information reporting