Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance | Frankfurt School
The FS-UNEP Centre demonstrates a remarkable capacity to integrate sustainable energy and climate finance best practices through a multidisciplinary approach that involves comprehensive research, strategic advisory, and capacity-building initiatives. Beyond its role as a centre of excellence, the FS-UNEP Centre actively engages in think-tank endeavours, taking the lead in advancing knowledge that bears direct relevance to policy formulation in the realm of sustainable energy and climate finance. Their efforts aim to stimulate and facilitate the financial community to grow existing investments or take their first steps into new markets, particularly in developing countries.
FS TURCASIA is deeply immersed in various climate finance initiatives, predominantly in Türkiye and Central Asia. These projects encompass a broad spectrum, spanning from advisory services rendered to governmental bodies for green policies and transformation, effective management of climate finance through credit lines, capacity building to the financial sector to foster green finance practices, to the facilitation of the adoption of green technologies, particularly in the agricultural sector.
Donor: EBRD
Beneficiary: Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Türkiye
Year: May 2019 – December 2020
The overall aim of the project was to support Türkiye in the implementation of the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2017-2023. Within this scope, we developed a roadmap for constituting a national energy efficiency (EE) financing mechanism besides creating a competitive EE tender mechanism.
Donor: EBRD
Beneficiary: Partner banks and mid-size energy companies
Year: April 2011 – December 2020
The objective of the Facility was to ensure that partner banks became familiar with appraising and financing bankable mid-size sustainable energy investment projects. Accordingly, technical expertise and banker training programmes were developed to make them identify and evaluate technically- and environmentally-feasible energy efficiency projects.
Within the Facility, the EBRD offered a total of EUR 975 million in loans to Turkish banks for on-lending to private sector borrowers to undertake mid-size renewable energy, waste-to-energy, and industrial energy efficiency investments.
Donor: EBRD
Beneficiary: Partner banks, Turkish energy manufacturers, suppliers, and installers
Year: June 2010 – December 2012
EBRD – together with the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) – provided a refinancing facility of USD 200 million to four Turkish banks to promote:
Donor: AFD
Beneficiary: Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change of Türkiye
Year: February 2023 – September 2023
The general objective of the project is to strengthen the technical capacity of the public and private institutions towards developing a green taxonomy scheme for Türkiye in line with the EU's Green Deal.
Donor: EU
Beneficiary: Turkish energy companies, suppliers and installers
Year: July 2020 – July 2023
The project aimed to develop a structure to ensure green growth-environment-oriented sustainable economic development goals.
Izmir Development Agency led it in partnership with ENSIA, the project aimed to create a competitive cluster in the sustainable energy equipment, environmental technologies and services sector. The project focused on increasing the share of investments, exports, strengthening regional competitiveness and building cooperation between stakeholders.
Donor: The World Bank
Beneficiary: Izmir Development Agency (IZKA)
Year: 2018
The project aimed to support climate resilience financing by combining pro-business and ecosystem-friendly approaches in a socially acceptable manner.
Within this scope, 5 essential agricultural products were selected in 8 districts in Kucuk Menderes River Basin in Türkiye. Accordingly, 20 business plans for climate resilience were developed. Further, we conducted a risk assessment workshop on vital agricultural products in Torbalı, Izmir.