
Course Finder


Rating and Early Warning Systems

Basics of parameter estimation (PD, LGD, CCF) and risk management



  • Definitions and regulatory requirements (IRB 2.0)
  • Internal risk rating process
  • External ratings
  • Internal credit ratings
  • Estimation of loss parameters (PDs, LGDs, CCF)
  • Validation of rating functions (TRIM guide)
  • Early warning systems

Learning Target

Rating methods play a central role in the risk management process due to the regulatory developments (MaRisk, CRR,) in the past years.Together with the estimation of the loss parameters (Probabilities of default and loss rates) they represent the main basis for the definition of credit processes, loan pricing and risk calculation of credit risks. In this seminar you will learn the foundations for the structure, the mode of action and the boundaries of the rating process, in order to know and gain an impression how these can be efficiently implemented in practice.


Target Audience

Staff members that have to design, calibrate, validate, and audit scorecards, PD-, LGD- and CCF models. These are typically individuals from Risk (control), Risk analytics, Validation, and Internal audit. The seminar is also suitable for sales and lending officers to better understand the determinants of the internal capital charges associated with a certain client profile.


Interactive seminar, discussions, moderation, group work


1 day

Customised Programmes

Everything we offer in our range of open seminars can be packaged and delivered as tailormade in-house training programmes for companies and organisations. We will be happy to advise you and create an individual offer on request.

Price advantage of 10% from the 2nd participant per company and seminar date.
Preisvorteil von 10%

ab dem 2. Teilnehmer pro Unternehmen und Seminartermin.