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International payments



  • International payments
    • Cross-border, global payments
    • Development and relevance for global economy and trade
    • Legal requirements and regulatory provisions (BoP-reporting, embargoes and sanctions, Anti-Money-Laundering (AML/AFT)
    • FX specifics, FX-rate fixing, special rates

  • Payment transaction processing
    • Clearing & Settlement Mechanism (CSM’s) in Europe
    • Correspondent banking network / correspondent banking requirements: KYC, due diligence
    • Transaction processing via SWIFT: messages, cover versus serial payments
    • SWIFT global payment standard (SWIFT gpi)
    • Foreign exchange trading / forward transactions - shortcut -

  • Risk mitigation for buyers / sellers in international trade
  • Actual developments and market trends

Learning Target

Payments become contactless and mobile. This will be insured by properly equipped credit cards and girocards of smartphone- and banking apps for mobile payments. Instant Payments allow payment execution in real time and in less than 10 seconds. Consumers expect fast as well as smart and secure applications. Companies are expecting immediate use of funds and an accelerated execution of payments. Who will place themselves in competition successfully?  Do we see comprehensive and consistant solutions? What are further trends?
With this seminar we provide relevant information on the basics and structures of international payments. Furthermore you will gain expert knowledge on e.g. foreign currency transactions, correspondent banking, payment methods, SWIFT global payments as well as on specific regulatory requirements such as KYC procedures, Anti-money-laudering (AML) and Balance of payment reporting (BoP).

Target Audience

Fintechs, blockchain, settlement, PSD II, clearing, customer-friendly processes: terms you will face in relation to payments. After coming into force of the EU Payment Services Directive (PSD II) it is possible and allowed that other / further service providers will get between customers and payment processing and thereby financial institutions will be used as providers of infrastructure only.
This seminar is designed for employees of industrial companies and companies of the financial services sector from business areas like payments, organization, audit and IT, relationship managers for private, commercial and corporate customer business as well as for professionals, who will increase their deeper knowledge on payments and/or their consulting and sales expertise.


Interactive lecture, discussion, individual and group exercises, case studies, reflection

The seminar "International Payments" is also offered in german language.


1 day

Customised Programmes

Everything we offer in our range of open seminars can be packaged and delivered as tailormade in-house training programmes for companies and organisations. We will be happy to advise you and create an individual offer on request.

Price advantage of 10% from the 2nd participant per company and seminar date.
Preisvorteil von 10%

ab dem 2. Teilnehmer pro Unternehmen und Seminartermin.